Silver Member
I agree, but if that's what it takes to make it simple enough for grandmom to operate, then it earned the marketshare it captured. Believe me, I am not apple friendly, and become bored with them quite quickly, but I am also jealous of all the third party accessory products they enjoy. There is something to be said for remaining true to a brand design, especially through so many iterations and sister products (i.e. iPod with all it's versions, and now iPad), especially with respect to their proprietary 30 (or is it 32) pin connector.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk with voice to text translation. Please excuse minor spelling/grammar/punctuation errors.
I like the accessories and all, but having a proprietary connector when everyone else uses micro usb now is just a pain in the butt. It would be nice to have universal docks but that's about to change with iDevices anyway if they finally go with a larger screen. Say bye bye to all those quick dock stereos and what not. Though I do suppose Apple or an aftermarket vendor will likely release an adapter so that all those old peripherals don't have to go the way of the dodo.