Haha yeah. I did change mine until I got my replacement. I've had to change so many ROMs and kernels just to find one that didn't overheat my phone the second I started it up and finally landed on two. metiCkOne FRG83 and the Cyanogen ROMs. So, I went with this because it keeps it extremely cool, runs smooth and quick, and has some nice features. So, last night I FINALLY got to edit my sig haha
Yep I was running Sapphire 1.1.1 for quite a while which is a good ROM but no updates in a long time. The Cyanogenmod. Then I ran Liquid which is a good ROM also but not enough features for me. Now back to CM! I borrowed your sig pic, I like it
I don't remember if I tried Sapphire. I flashed Liquid but had heat issues. I love the boot animation on the 1.9? Whichever is the one before the new 1.95. I was a devoted UD fan, I love 2.1 and now he has nightlies as well as starting to incorporate MIUI bits into his ROMs. But, I can't use it with my replacement so...
Ah, I see. Sounds good! I tried the white one that everyone has but it said the file was too large? So, I googled and found that one and I liked the size and color better and not every person who is running CM has it in their sig. As far as I know, we're the only ones! Haha
That Liquid boot animation is pretty cool.. you can rip it out of the ROM and plug it into your CM ROM if you want. I actually like the stock CM boot animation... maybe I am becoming a devoted CM fan... but for how long... lol time will tell... I am extremely pleased with CM 6.1 RC5 w/LFY Slayher kernel
I actually did also load up briefly UD ROMS a little while back but was disappointed. It would appear UD is cleaning up shop as well these days and getting better reviews with 2.1 release. I prefer CM over UD for several reasons and I think that since CM has multiple devs they are stronger long term. But you never know
Thanks for hunting down the sig graphic!
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