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6.14.84 ICS Leaked For the Droid RAZR, Wreaks Havoc on Users

So i was wondering what it is that shows up on the bricked device.. fastboot screen etc.. i know screen shots wont be available but if someone could take a picture or make a video.. i bet these devices can be exchanged for a warranty replacement from verizon.. if there is no way to access what is on the phone then there is no way they will be able to tell you that you cheated the system.. from my experience the techs that look through the phones at verizon seem to either do it randomly or at least with very little attention.. anyway i dont think they are being judged by moto techs by any means so i doubt they would be able to say that you all were flashing.. anyone down to try this? at least lets post some videos and see what is showing up on the phones.

If you bricked, there are ways to get your phone back functional again. Others have had success. Yes, you will still be on .84/.85 but at least you will have a functional phone.

Also, if any of you that bricked actually do try to get a warranty replacement out of VzW for your own recklessness, please request an iPhone as a replacement.
Guess no one learned from bionic. I did and I bought a nexus less end learned. There was a day when we had a great crowd working on moto phones no more. I love my moto phones not the locked down.
So i was wondering what it is that shows up on the bricked device.. fastboot screen etc.. i know screen shots wont be available but if someone could take a picture or make a video.. i bet these devices can be exchanged for a warranty replacement from verizon.. if there is no way to access what is on the phone then there is no way they will be able to tell you that you cheated the system.. from my experience the techs that look through the phones at verizon seem to either do it randomly or at least with very little attention.. anyway i dont think they are being judged by moto techs by any means so i doubt they would be able to say that you all were flashing.. anyone down to try this? at least lets post some videos and see what is showing up on the phones.

Trying to get a warranty replacement out of this is why the carriers and manufacturers give the dev community so much shiz about unlocked bootloaders and modding phones. You should know the risk and consequences for the things you choose to do with your phone, and it's not VZW's or Moto's job to replace the phone for a stupid mistake.
The only reason this whole mess happened is because 2 different people claimed they tested it and used rsd to go back to .173 when they didn't... one admitted the other swears he went back after being on the leak which IMO is impossible...I had planned on flashing it that night when I got Home and decided to read up on it.. thank god for me...
Just like an early adopter...YOU GET WHAT YOU GET!!!!

These same folks will probably find a fix....and try to flash their stuff AGAIN too quickly
djsiva said:
Trying to get a warranty replacement out of this is why the carriers and manufacturers give the dev community so much shiz about unlocked bootloades.......

True, but if the bootloader was unlocked people could unbrick. Not saying that justifies a warranty phone....it doesn't....but if they embraced the community instead of creating this minefield it would work out better I think.
True, but if the bootloader was unlocked people could unbrick. Not saying that justifies a warranty phone....it doesn't....but if they embraced the community instead of creating this minefield it would work out better I think.

The thing about that....no one holds a gun to anyones head and says "FLASH THIS LEAK, RIGHT NOW!!!" Ppl are doing this at their own risk. Rooting and custom ROMs isnt on any Android device official feature, spec list. Thats something thats secondary to what the device is meant for. If you are trying to flash a leak, I would assume you know about bootloader policies, issues of different phones. That might be very wishful thinking tho...lol. Some are wide open - Nexus- others are not - RAZR-.

I agree it would make it easier for ppl to flash leaks and whatnot if they open up the bootloader, but Moto must have a reason for doing what they do with. And they are not totally against the root, ROM community. They did make the Xoom's and the developer version of the RAZR. It might not be the solution everyone wanted but its something.

And who knows....with new leadership at Moto now, things may change.
10% Rule is always in effect when it comes to flashing ROMS. What is the 10% Rule you ask...well its quite simple really, "You must be 10% smarter than what you are messing with"...this has kept my Droid X rooted, ROM`d and running without a hitch for close to a year and a half now...:biggrin:
10% Rule is always in effect when it comes to flashing ROMS. What is the 10% Rule you ask...well its quite simple really, "You must be 10% smarter than what you are messing with"...this has kept my Droid X rooted, ROM`d and running without a hitch for close to a year and a half now...:biggrin:

I always abide by the read, read, read, and then when you think you understand how to do what you are reading, read it three more times.
The amazing part to the whole story is that people are STILL wanting to flash this leak. Flashing the leak itself works fine. There have been many people saying that it runs amazingly. The problem is happening when you try to fastboot back to any of the previous build which a lot of the people that flashed this were doing as soon as it loaded. These phones are NOT hard bricked though, they have found a fix that will bring you back to the 84 ICS build and it functions perfectly. This has been tested by 10+ random phones that were soft bricked. I have never been nor ever will be a fan of these leaks. Bottom line is this..... once it was found that fastbooting would cause you to soft brick, it seemed like everyone that flashed the leak tried to fastboot back. Almost like they didn't believe the people that had it already happen. While its unsure what happened because the people that tested it before the release said that they successfully fastbooted back, the fact that people continued to attempt flashing this build well after the warnings is mind boggling.
The frustrating part is how android news sites use something like this...

News Site: "New ICS leak... it might be the final official!"

Power User interpretation: "The official ICS has been leaked, finally I can upgrade my phone to ICS and it'll be the official one! What's that Android-conscious? I can't hear you..."

NS: "Well maybe it's not official, has a few minor bugs... but still it's the latest ICS leak!"

PU: "No biggie, I've got the the latest leak, a few bugs don't bothe... what Android-conscious? Still can't quite hear you..."

Community: "Brick warning! Brick warning!"

NS: *hides under a rock watching ad $$ roll in from the clicks...*

PUI: "Yeah I hear you now Android-conscious... shut up, I know... you don't have to tell me that again..."


I know this isn't "real life", but if my job worked like that, I would've been fired (or more!) years ago.
I'm a stock android user just waiting on the legit ICS update to come out. What is the benefit of "jailbreaking" an android device...obviously we know what the harmful side effects can be. I'm sure i'm just not educated enough on the topic but my phone (Bionic) works just fine without performing brain surgery on it. Please explain what I may be missing out on besides an ability to remove all that crap Verizon says I need in my phone!

Thanks all!!!

Jailbreaking is for Iphone...for droid when you flash a custom rom it's known as "rooting".

The reason many root is basically to customize your phone. It give the user/owner superuser rights of their device. It's the equivalent of owning a computer and being the administrator and letting someone else use it logged on as a guest. As administrator you can customize your computer as you'd like as a guest you can only use the computer for basic features. This is the same for rooting any android device.

So basically right now in a sense you are just a guest on your own phone!!!!!!

Once one roots their device they have sole control over their device the phone company basically is obsolete at this point. Also with rooting most devices receive better battery life which is why many people choose to root (I get at least 16+ hours on my phone with heavy use when I charge it before I go to sleep I usually have about 20% battery left...longest I've been uncharged is for 2 days with low-moderate use.) There are many reasons as to why one roots their device.

Hope this helps.
The frustrating part is how android news sites use something like this...

News Site: "New ICS leak... it might be the final official!"

Power User interpretation: "The official ICS has been leaked, finally I can upgrade my phone to ICS and it'll be the official one! What's that Android-conscious? I can't hear you..."

NS: "Well maybe it's not official, has a few minor bugs... but still it's the latest ICS leak!"

PU: "No biggie, I've got the the latest leak, a few bugs don't bothe... what Android-conscious? Still can't quite hear you..."

Community: "Brick warning! Brick warning!"

NS: *hides under a rock watching ad $$ roll in from the clicks...*

PUI: "Yeah I hear you now Android-conscious... shut up, I know... you don't have to tell me that again..."


I know this isn't "real life", but if my job worked like that, I would've been fired (or more!) years ago.
Didn't you know that the size of a build only has to match up to the size depicted in rumored screenshot of a ICS schedule on Reddit to be called official? 1+1=Fact :haha: