So i was wondering what it is that shows up on the bricked device.. fastboot screen etc.. i know screen shots wont be available but if someone could take a picture or make a video.. i bet these devices can be exchanged for a warranty replacement from verizon.. if there is no way to access what is on the phone then there is no way they will be able to tell you that you cheated the system.. from my experience the techs that look through the phones at verizon seem to either do it randomly or at least with very little attention.. anyway i dont think they are being judged by moto techs by any means so i doubt they would be able to say that you all were flashing.. anyone down to try this? at least lets post some videos and see what is showing up on the phones.
If you bricked, there are ways to get your phone back functional again. Others have had success. Yes, you will still be on .84/.85 but at least you will have a functional phone.
Also, if any of you that bricked actually do try to get a warranty replacement out of VzW for your own recklessness, please request an iPhone as a replacement.