If you follow this guide, you will have Axi0m (ICS build) AND your stock ROM installed on your DROID BIONIC which has to already have the .902 OTA update
FIRST download Motorola drivers
ROOT/UNROOT Droid Bionic - RootzWiki
depending on your WINDOWS system you will either need
32 bit Motorola_End_User_Driver_Installation_5.2.0_32bit. msi
64 bit Motorola_End_User_Driver_Installation_5.2.0_64bit. msi
SECOND download the .902 exploit
Security Research by Dan Rosenberg
here is the actual download link
THIRD root your Droid Bionic
Instructions were taken from these two websites and combined to make things easier
How To: Root your Motorola DROID Bionic via wicked
Security Research by Dan Rosenberg
1. Make sure you have Motorola drivers installed
2. Download the motofail_windows.zip file from above and unzip it to your Windows PC.
3. On your phone go into Settings>Applications>Development and check the box for USB Debugging.
4. Plug phone into your computer and select “Charge Only” mode.
5. Navigate to upzipped folder and execute run.bat
6. Follow the instructions in the command window.
7. Your phone will complete 3 steps, rebooting along the way. When it finishes, you will be rooted.
(you may have to set your phone to charge only again after it reboots, I can't remember)
FOURTH download the ROM you want
I like this ROM if you're trying to get an ICS build for the bionic
Axi0m | cm9 | 4.0.3 | 2/18/2012 via DroidTh3ory
here is the download link AXI0M IONIC ALPHA
If you choose this ROM, also download this apk http://db.tt/Xa50f7qY
place both files on your external SD card
DO NOT UNZIP anything
FIFTH install safestrap
(this allows you to have your STOCK ROM and install any other ROM you like in a "safe" mode so you can switch back and forth)
instructions here
[HOW-TO] Install Safestrap and Create a Backup via guidot
make sure you read and understand these instructions
SIXTH install ROM
instructions here
[HOW-TO] Use Safestrap (backup and flash) (WIP) via guidot
For the Axi0m ROM:
NOTE: For Data go to Settings/Wireless & Networks/More/Mobile Networks/Network Mode/ Select GSM only wait till the screen flashes twice (or it says 4G SIM detected would you like to switch to LTE/CDMA) then switch to LTE/CDMA. Data will come up.
Personal tips: (related to Axi0m ROM)
Once the ROM has started
Its going to ask you to try and sign into your google account
This won't work because you're not receiving data.
You can either connect to a WiFi network OR cancel and sign into your google account later
To get Data working
go to Settings/Wireless & Networks/More/Mobile Networks/Network Mode/ Select GSM only wait till the screen flashes twice (or it says 4G SIM detected would you like to switch to LTE/CDMA) then switch to LTE/CDMA. Data will come up.
You will have to do this everytime you boot up.
When you initially boot the rom, a loud boot noise will play
To stop this
"go into system/media and delete the audio file, that's the boot sound. It's the folder with bootanimation.zip in it."
-via DroidmanDan
I use Titanium backup, but if you choose to restore apps, make sure you proceed with caution.
I initially restored apps and data and went thru the list carefully to make sure I wasn't going to mess with the build.
However, I ended up deleting all the ringers and notification sounds (this build has the ICS ones and they're nice) and caused some other errors.
When I flashed the ROM a second time, and manually installed and configured everything, its all perfect, No issues.
When you rearrange apps, if you place on over another, it will automatically create a folder, similar to how iDevices do.
There you go!
Good luck!
FIRST download Motorola drivers
ROOT/UNROOT Droid Bionic - RootzWiki
depending on your WINDOWS system you will either need
32 bit Motorola_End_User_Driver_Installation_5.2.0_32bit. msi
64 bit Motorola_End_User_Driver_Installation_5.2.0_64bit. msi
SECOND download the .902 exploit
Security Research by Dan Rosenberg
here is the actual download link
THIRD root your Droid Bionic
Instructions were taken from these two websites and combined to make things easier
How To: Root your Motorola DROID Bionic via wicked

1. Make sure you have Motorola drivers installed
2. Download the motofail_windows.zip file from above and unzip it to your Windows PC.
3. On your phone go into Settings>Applications>Development and check the box for USB Debugging.
4. Plug phone into your computer and select “Charge Only” mode.
5. Navigate to upzipped folder and execute run.bat
6. Follow the instructions in the command window.
7. Your phone will complete 3 steps, rebooting along the way. When it finishes, you will be rooted.
(you may have to set your phone to charge only again after it reboots, I can't remember)
FOURTH download the ROM you want
I like this ROM if you're trying to get an ICS build for the bionic
Axi0m | cm9 | 4.0.3 | 2/18/2012 via DroidTh3ory

here is the download link AXI0M IONIC ALPHA
If you choose this ROM, also download this apk http://db.tt/Xa50f7qY
place both files on your external SD card
DO NOT UNZIP anything
FIFTH install safestrap
(this allows you to have your STOCK ROM and install any other ROM you like in a "safe" mode so you can switch back and forth)
instructions here
[HOW-TO] Install Safestrap and Create a Backup via guidot

make sure you read and understand these instructions
SIXTH install ROM
instructions here
[HOW-TO] Use Safestrap (backup and flash) (WIP) via guidot

For the Axi0m ROM:
NOTE: For Data go to Settings/Wireless & Networks/More/Mobile Networks/Network Mode/ Select GSM only wait till the screen flashes twice (or it says 4G SIM detected would you like to switch to LTE/CDMA) then switch to LTE/CDMA. Data will come up.
Personal tips: (related to Axi0m ROM)
Once the ROM has started
Its going to ask you to try and sign into your google account
This won't work because you're not receiving data.
You can either connect to a WiFi network OR cancel and sign into your google account later
To get Data working
go to Settings/Wireless & Networks/More/Mobile Networks/Network Mode/ Select GSM only wait till the screen flashes twice (or it says 4G SIM detected would you like to switch to LTE/CDMA) then switch to LTE/CDMA. Data will come up.
You will have to do this everytime you boot up.
When you initially boot the rom, a loud boot noise will play
To stop this
"go into system/media and delete the audio file, that's the boot sound. It's the folder with bootanimation.zip in it."
-via DroidmanDan
I use Titanium backup, but if you choose to restore apps, make sure you proceed with caution.
I initially restored apps and data and went thru the list carefully to make sure I wasn't going to mess with the build.
However, I ended up deleting all the ringers and notification sounds (this build has the ICS ones and they're nice) and caused some other errors.
When I flashed the ROM a second time, and manually installed and configured everything, its all perfect, No issues.
When you rearrange apps, if you place on over another, it will automatically create a folder, similar to how iDevices do.
There you go!
Good luck!
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