A challenge to u guys..

2.2_leak is available. 2.3.13_leak is also out there. I think everyone knows that but just doesn't bother specifying leak vs official OTA...since as you say the OTA isn't out yet. I assume it won't be called "2.2" when it comes out either; given the fact there is a leak with a later version number out there.
2.3.13 is not anything more that a 2.2 build numbered that way.

2.2 will be just that, 2.2

That's Froyo.

Next build is 3.0 Gingerbread not 2.3 or 2.4 or whatever.
*shrug* Even if that's so it is merely us quibbling over the arbitrary number assigned to the software. What's out is what's out, the OTA isn't here, and we all know it.