Look, I'm a young widow who was married for 10 years and lost my husband to a tragedy! I'm not a guy cheating on my wife! The person whom I think is stalking me has a really good friend who is a computer expert. If he is indeed doing this to me, I feel that I don't deserve it and that he should be punished, before he REALLY steals someone's identity! I don't have schizophrenia! I just don't have time to study how to hack a droid, etc. and keep up with an expert! I have a full-time job (I am a professional, by the way) and little kids. I thought that some of you, who may spend all day on the computer, or may have computer science degrees could help me.
Calm down there Miss, no need to get so hostile. Although we are honestly trying to help, you do leave out alot of details that leads to conspiracies.
Anyway, if you believe this person is stalking you confront them about it. If they're not then you've already got your new device and can possibly get a new phone number as well.
Let me educate you a bit: Android is based on an operating system that is pretty hard to hack, much like Apple's operating system. These systems are much more complex than say Windows. Android has been out for quite some time now and the only hacking i heard of this device was through an app, and believe me word spreads fast around here when something like that comes up.
I highly doubt this person would have the resources to hack an android device. If they did, you've taken the right steps and got a new phone and I think you should also get a new phone number for good measure. The hardware itself, these phones are not touched by anyone other than Motorola. Unless this person works at Motorola and knows which phone you will be receiving, i can say it's close to impossible that there is some sort of tracking device on it.
I know you're feeling uneasy and possibly a bit violated, but it wouldn't be a virus in the phone. Yes there are apps out there that allow for tracking but if you do a factory reset then you reset the phone therefore taking the app out.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, I really am. I do apologize for summarizing your situation in an insensitive way, but really you did leave out alot of detail. Your situation seems to be beyond the help of this forum, but if there is anything we can do to help you with your phone then please drop in and ask. I hope for your safety and the safety of your kids that you get this resolved. I've never experienced anything like this before, but just thinking about it gives me the creeps, contact some family members or even local PD to get some help if you feel you are being stalked. I know patrol units can roll by your residence every couple hours just to help keep that peace of mind and for any suspicious activity.