wow you guys are getting the angry birds failing to install too? I can't get it to install on cyanogen and was about to come back to sapphire to see if that works but now this makes me wonder what is up.
I figured this out at least with me. I am guessing it is from going between different roms. You clear out all the ROM data on the device when you reflash....but not the SD card.
Backup using titanuium backup all your apps. Physically remove your SD card from your phone, mount it on your PC. Delete .android_secure, this folder will appear empty if you don't remove the sd card from your phone. I removed all the data for the Market app I don't know if that is necessary. Use titanium to restore all missing apps, you will probably have to manually go into settings to move the apps to SD. Download something random from market and then delete it for Market to see all you dl apps.
Bam! All apps work. It was really driving me bonkers. I didn't have this problem until recently. I think it is from changing between roms compiled from source, they are different enough to cause problems. I didn't know this was a widespread thing. I changed ROMs thinking it was the ROM but problem always followed. Just saw this thread. I think there is a flag for some things to be directly installed to your SD card without you moving it that is why Angry Birds won't install.
I figured this out at least with me. I am guessing it is from going between different roms. You clear out all the ROM data on the device when you reflash....but not the SD card.
Backup using titanuium backup all your apps. Physically remove your SD card from your phone, mount it on your PC. Delete .android_secure, this folder will appear empty if you don't remove the sd card from your phone. I removed all the data for the Market app I don't know if that is necessary. Use titanium to restore all missing apps, you will probably have to manually go into settings to move the apps to SD. Download something random from market and then delete it for Market to see all you dl apps.
Bam! All apps work. It was really driving me bonkers. I didn't have this problem until recently. I think it is from changing between roms compiled from source, they are different enough to cause problems. I didn't know this was a widespread thing. I changed ROMs thinking it was the ROM but problem always followed. Just saw this thread. I think there is a flag for some things to be directly installed to your SD card without you moving it that is why Angry Birds won't install.
Id also like to add, I moved "problem" apps I had from the SD card back to the phone, and that seems to be my problem.
Ill try your method and report back. Thanks for the tip!
rm /mnt/secure/asec/smdl2tmp1.asec
I finally got my phone fixed, and I'm happily running Sapphire 1.1.1 again!
Here's what I did that didn't work. I thought maybe it was in the ROM somewhere, so I installed CyanogenMod, then Bugless Beast, then Ultimate Droid, I even went back to stock! <Gasp!>
All of those had the same problems...
Here's what I did that finally worked, and you can find this in various other places too. I just deleted the file smdl2tmp1.asec It is located in /mnt/secure/asec/
You can't see the file unless you're root. So just go into terminal, type the following.
That'll do it!Code:su rm /mnt/secure/asec/smdl2tmp1.asec
Let me make the filename clear though, in caps it looks like this. SMDL2TMP1.ASEC
I thought that L was a 1 for a while until I actually looked at the directory. You do need to type it in lowercase though.
It appears the apps that automatically install to the SD card can't install because of that file.
This solution seems to work for most people. For those that it didn't work for, a few more have found deleting \sdcard\.android_secure\smdl2tmp1.asec worked for them. This file isn't there on my phone. You will need to be root (su) to see this file also.
I'm still trying to hunt down what that file is, what it's doing, and where it came from in the first place!