A question for the texting gods


Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
I'm new here, so i beg pardon if this has been asked; however i have searched the forums and did not find an answer.

my question is thusly:

as everyone knows, sms msgs are limited to 160 characters to non-verizon phones. idiotic, nonsensical restrictions aside; i have seen referred to in these forums a character count box that while apparantly inconveniently placed, is completely non-existent on my Motorola droid. Has anyone else encountered this conundrum, and if so, is there a setting that i have missed somewhere that would resolve this issue?

Interestingly; i am apparently the only one on these forums who does not like handcent, which i have tried and detest.
Hi Spyte.
I detest handcent as well. I uses SMS popup and love it.

On to your question....the character counter on my droid for the stock messanger app does not show up until I hit 150 characters. It is displayed as 10/1 at this point. It then counts down to 0/1 when you are at 160 characters. the next character takes it to 145/2. Don't know what those numbers mean but that is what appears when you go over 160. Hope this helps.
Doesn't the stock app make your SMS an MMS after 160 characters? Has this been changed? That is the main reason I use Handcent because it splits the message beyond 160 characters into multiple sms messages.
This problem (no character countdown) was discussed in one of the early "internal" memos talking about problems with the Droid. I thought for sure it would be resolved in the first OTA update... along with the email signature problem. Neither one fixed.
i just typed in about 300 characters using the on-screen keyboard...no character count.

but as soon as i opened up the keyboard i got the count and a msg saying it was being converted to an mms. how quaint.

my love/hate relationship grows by leaps and bounds, unfortunately in the direction of the latter rather than the former. <insert long, theatrical sigh here>
not making fun of you...

but you sound like the most sophisticated forum user on here lol
I love how everyone gets all crabby about the 160 cap on messages when Verizon is the last person you should be complaining about.
Perhaps i was a trifle hasty in my previous post as by definition a message sent by sms is short; and upon further experimentation it was proven that even my first observation was nearly without merit. i so desperatley want to love this phone that every new tiny blemish suddenly transforms itself to Mt. Everest. As for being sophisticated, thank you; but i would posit that it's not me, it's the semicolons.
Hi Spyte.
I detest handcent as well. I uses SMS popup and love it.

On to your question....the character counter on my droid for the stock messanger app does not show up until I hit 150 characters. It is displayed as 10/1 at this point. It then counts down to 0/1 when you are at 160 characters. the next character takes it to 145/2. Don't know what those numbers mean but that is what appears when you go over 160. Hope this helps.

I'm guessing the 145/2 means 145 characters left on message #2... so it's splitting the message into 2 SMS texts.