Accuweather Widget not updating


New Member
Oct 23, 2012
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Hey All,

I have a Razr Maxx HD that I love. It's been great so far. One minor issue that I noticed was that the Accuweather widget has not refreshed since Monday of this week.

Is there a way I can manually force a refresh for this widget?

I think I figured it out... In my case, I had turned off my GPS. I think it needs to have the GPS on. I turned it on and it updated it today.
similar problem

D same pproblem is with though I ve tried enabling GPS nd rebooting yet it dint work. It still shows location not found when I search. Pls. Suggest alternate solutions. Thanks.
similar problem

D same problem is with me though I ve tried enabling GPS nd rebooting yet it dint work. It still shows location not found when I search. Pls. Suggest alternate solutions. Thanks.
It take's an hour for it to update if that helps. You can change the time an location under settings under accuweather app.

Thanx 4 d help. Dunno what d problem ws? May b it ws some server problem. It automatically started wrking dis evening. :)