Droid dock and accuweather

One more thing, if the Accuweather app is not installed on the phone in anyway, shape or form, how does it run when the Droid is in the dock? :motdroidhoriz:

All weather applications draw the weather information from somewhere, right? It's a piece of code that queries a weather database, and that piece of code is tucked inside the larger framework of an application that dictates how that weather information is displayed to you.

The "multimedia dock" app contains that little piece of code, too, but it's not something that you can access outside of the dock app. Is that ridiculous? Yes. Is it totally redundant to have to install a separate app if you want to check the weather on the go? Also yes. But, that's the way they did it.

There's supposed to be a "news and weather" app in Android 2.1; whether this improves the situation, I'm not sure, but I hope it will. And I hope this explanation helps you in some small way.