Motorola wanted me to send in the phone. I could have because I have because I have an htc. But I've heard so many people send in electronics miles away and it doesn't come back right then they are stuck. If it was local I'd do it because then I can confront the technician. They deny or never heard of this problem I've sent them several links not many people are complaining but there are a few. I just figured I'd use this phone for a year and when htc or another phone comes out with a quad core and amolete screen I'll buy that one.( and yes I have to even test a volume button) what a shame. Im begining to feel the industry takes it's practices from the street hustlers on 42nd st. I will most likely never buy a motorola again. all the phones in the store had the same problem even the manager saw it but of course he can't say much in writing because he represents Verizon. (its amazing how much the customer money is respected.) My old Droid X had the same problem.
My question would of you sent in the phone or just kept it.
I wouldn't, but it's not that big of a deal with me. I just tell people to hold on a sec and I adjust it after waking up the screen. I look at it this way, I'm an early adopter to a phone that is going to have bugs. If I remain active in the forums, eventually they'll get the bugs fixed. But, since I'm an early adopter, I'm always going to have bugs on all my phones. I just don't keep them long enough to get the bugs worked out. As for this problem, if the Motorola rep says he hasn't seen it, tell him to go pick up his own Razr. I'm sure that they all do it.
Now the bigger problem is the wireless hotspot. That's a huge problem. Especially with Verizon charging us $30 per month for a service that doesn't work.