Advanced Calling 1.0 Update Issues?

Awesome! Glad to have helped. Is Simultaneous Voice and Data Operation (SVDO) working now?

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He he, why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel!

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Here's one for the guru, I got the update, did not activate it, just let it sit in left field. 2 days later I couldn't make an outgoing call to save my life. Just sat there redialing. After about an hour I decided to do the upgrade, viola I could call. Side note, when I was trying to dial pre update phone would switch to 1g (I think) after the phone trying unsuccessfully for 5 minutes it would revert back to 4g. Alas, since the upgrade I've had zilch problems. Was worried because of my horrible reception.

We must...We must...increase our boost
Here's one for the guru, I got the update, did not activate it, just let it sit in left field. 2 days later I couldn't make an outgoing call to save my life. Just sat there redialing. After about an hour I decided to do the upgrade, viola I could call. Side note, when I was trying to dial pre update phone would switch to 1g (I think) after the phone trying unsuccessfully for 5 minutes it would revert back to 4g. Alas, since the upgrade I've had zilch problems. Was worried because of my horrible reception.

We must...We must...increase our boost
I believe that was 1X, not 1G, but why it wouldn't call when on 1X is the question. If you had 4G service you definitely had 1X (*the service that cellular calls were carried on in standard digital).
Ever since I updated and turned on HD calling my signal is for Sh****! I have always had signal trouble out here in the boonies but wife's RAZR Maxx has better signal than my turbo. She can make and receive call s anywhere in the house But my phone doesn't even ring sometime when people are trying to call me. It was never great but now it is not usable. Am going to be at Vs front door at 10 am.
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Ever since I updated and turned on HD calling my signal is for Sh****! I have always had signal trouble out her in the boonies but wife's RAZR Maxx has better signal than my turbo. She can make and receive call s anywhere in the house But my phone doesn't even ring sometime when people are trying to call me. It was never great but now it is not usable. Am going to be at Vs front door at 10 am.
Turn off Advanced Calling if your LTE signal is weak, that should bring things back to the way things were before updating.
Where is turn off for HD calling? Not in my settings. I think I have to go to my Verizon and turn off in features
Found the setting for on/off for HD calling,
Open phone then settings and there it is.
Most of the time when inside our house we are on 3 g (101)1x (97) so that's why I have been dropping calls and pulling hair. I will just leave it off while out on the farm and turn on when I'm in a solid 4g LTE area.
Just made a test call from my den which is in the lowest part of my house to Richmond ,Va, clear as a bell.
Found the setting for on/off for HD calling,
Open phone then settings and there it is.
Most of the time when inside our house we are on 3 g (101)1x (97) so that's why I have been dropping calls and pulling hair. I will just leave it off while out on the farm and turn on when I'm in a solid 4g LTE area.
Just made a test call from my den which is in the lowest part of my house to Richmond ,Va, clear as a bell.

Yes @JDH , until 4G LTE is as prevalent and strong in almost all well-populated areas as 3G and 1X are now, you'll have those issues. Unfortunately that's one of the things we ALL experience when we're on the cutting edge of technology. Not everything works right, not everything is how we'd like it, but when it does work and when it's the way we like it we feel like it was all worth it.

As 4G LTE and VOLTE are rolled out more across the country, and as Verizon (and others) wind down their 3G and 1X services, we'll begin to feel the same level of reliability on VOLTE as we've grown to be accustomed to with 1X & 3G. I remember when even 1X was spotty and calls would either be static (remember them?), or would simply drop - especially in low-lying areas. Those days are mostly gone completely from peoples' experiences, but for a relatively few percentage of the population in more rural areas, and most in very rural areas as well as the infrequent spots even in city and suburbs this is still a problem.

As said, if 4G LTE is spotty in your area, you do not want to turn on HD Calling, however unfortunately this will also mean you (and several other phone models now, eventually to be many more), don't have SVDO (Simultaneous Voice & Data Operation), unless you are also in a WIFI area at the same time as you're on a call. Until 4G LTE is as prevalent as 3G is now, you'll want to switch back and forth as the areas either do or don't support 4G LTE.

Truth is, these are among the best radios in any cell phone, and if used in their right context, in their right areas, you'll be no less than thrilled at the consistency and call quality overall. There are just some growing pains we're feeling and they have EVERYTHING to do with demand for faster data and greater coverage. Time will heal these wounds, and like last year in comparison to the past, your future will be once again seamless and flawless comunication and you'll be talking about back when in 2014 and VOLTE first rolled out, how the service was less than stellar...
So I haven't searched much lately is this HD calling the same as simultaneous voice and data, does the turbo now support this
That is correct, the new Voice Over LTE (VOLTE), combined with HD Calling is in fact the newest service that is being provided by Verizon for the latest generation phones. This service converts your voice communications into 100% pure digital data and transmits it in packets across the 4G LTE network just like your files, pics and website data are.

In earlier models of phones your Voice was carried on one network type and Data was carried on another so the phones were able to do so in tandem (SVDO - Simultaneous Voice & Data Operation). There was a time when that was not possible. Just like the Turbo and other phones that came out this fall/winter, back then you could only do one or the other as well.

With the transition to all 4G communication which is slowly being introduced, the older phone services are eventually going to be shut down, though it may be several years till they finally throw the switch. Since the calls on VOLTE can now also be pure data it means that the phones can once again Simultaneously transmit Voice and Data in one combined Operation (SVDO).

Something similar was done a number of years ago when the switch from Analog to Digital phones took place. At that time Verizon stopped allowing activations of Analog phones and instead said all new phones to be sold and activated on their networks must be Digital phones. As the old Analog phone's were phased out the Digital phone service slowly took over the task of carrying phone conversations and eventually they were the only phones able to be used.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
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Since turning advanced calling off while at home I can make and receive calls in 3g but the signal was still weak, even weaker than the RAZR Maxx. Went into Verizon corp store yesterday and they installed a new Sim card. Much better reception now, can now get 4g (109) where before only 3g on old Sim. Go figure.
BTW my daughters Moto X 2nd is on A5.0 but still no advanced calling.