Here is the problem though, before I got Atk my battery would wear out in no time. Now with using this and leaving the applications I need running my battery will last all day. I don't have anything set up on my calendar or alarm and what not. There shouldn't be any reason for them to run at all. I understand that some applications need to run together, however why aren't they closing when they are done? Why have stuff that is not used constantly running and draining my battery? Something needs to change on this so that the battery lasts like my battery does with the atk.
What does your phone say is using the battery? Working from hard data is usually more effective than shotgunning and just trying different things.
It says the display is at 61%, Browser is at 19% (which I am closing), Android system 8%, Cell standby 4%, msn talk 3%, Voice Search 3% (why is this app even open?), Phone Idle 2%, ATK 2%.
Of course I am still working on figuring things out for my phone, but what I am centered around lately is to get the battery to last longer. I have and am still doing the battery drain to where the phone shuts off and then charging it overnight so it trains the battery. I just wish it would last longer.