THIS! For once I agree in full with the Curmudgeon. Although he is more like a scalpel when describing things. Me I am more the sledgehammer. I would have just said "Remove it! BURN IT WITH FIRE! Task Killers BAD!" Sometimes that works but having a reason why you need to BURN IT WITH FIRE!!! is needed.I couldn't agree more though. If you search the forums there have been endless posts with many of us repeating the mantra that task killers are not needed at all.
Thanks for the kind words, buddy. I think one of the main reasons that this topic never seems to die is that the Droid doesn't provide much if any view into the operation of the phone in a fashion that an average user can understand. And apps that do nothing but take a snapshot of processes "in memory" provide a highly misleading view of what is going on.
I've wondered if peoples' perceived need for a task killer comes from their experience with computer operating systems. Since some flavor of Windows constitutes that experience for the majority of folks, they're probably used to having to go in and manually kill a lot of useless programs that start themselves automatically on bootup.
On the other hand, most people have never used linux before, so the concept that an operating system doesn't require that level of micromanagement to function optimally seems counterintuitive to them. And I think this practice flows over into their use of Android.
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