again since this device isnt officially supported yet there are some things that aren't working right now. I expect it to be fully functional on the 15th.
Ok I pretty much don't think that is the case or will be working on the 15th.
I have about 150 app's... 1138 are installed when I entered my gmail info onto my device via sync.
About 15 app's did not, some are paid, some are freebies.
I can see More Icon Widgets free version but not the paid version that I purchased.
Sling Media can't be found either via search or any other way.
Additionally MyMemo wont show via a search within the market as well so I don't think this is a 15th fix...
NOW I have been able to install the named above app's via MyBackup Pro and they are operational, BUT they are still not show in the market.
If you were right in your assumption then most of my 150 app's would not be visual either.
Verizon told me the other day that I should program my device and start using it so we did...
I kinda think its working now as it will on the 15th...
Maybe you can share with me why most app's are visual / installed via my gmail account and some not.
This is the same issue that we had a few weeks back, with some app's just not being in the market that should be.
What is your firmware version (go to settings > About phone > system version)
2.1 update1
As I said if I install the apk's via MyBackup it installs and works, as they do on my Droid, and Incredible.