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In the grass by my house I often see wild strawberries … Grape is tricky, you have to think about what it grows on, and where from. Once you have grape a little thought will get you wine, and a little more thought from there will get you champagne (what does champagne have that Coca cola has?).

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Hey guys, the hints for practically all the elements are givin in this forum. Just look back through it. It's easier and much faster then waiting for a response.
I am struggling making dirt. I keep trying dust and water, but nothing happens

Can anyone help please

Also struggling making cloud
I am going crazy trying to get fruit and vinegar.

Bacteria+alcohol=alcohol, and wine+bacteria does nothing...ripping my hair out!

Any hints for these 2 at all? I'm at 252 of 270 and I'm stuck!


Do you have prisoner,pizza, or lightsaber??

I have pizza and lightsaber...hints:

Name 2 obvious ingredients in pizza.
As for loghtsaber, it's basically a light sword, right?

I know what I need for prisoner, I just can't figure out how to get it...

How to make time(no pun intended)?
Need help at 230

I'm terrible at these types of games and need help iv skimmed through the forums finding random hints for most of them when i had like 80 and would like some help with the last 40; heres my list:

1up, air, alcohol, alcoholic, algae, arable, arms, ash, ashtray, assassin, avian flu, bacteria, bar, barbecue, beach, bear, beast, beaver, beer, beetle, bicycle, bird, bitumen, blood, boat, boiler, book, bread, brick, brick house, butterfly, cactus, car, caramel, cart, caviar, cement, cemetery, ceramics, chariot, cheese, chicken, Christmas tree, cigarettes, city, clay, cloth, clothing, cloud, coal, coffin, combustion engine, concrete, corpse, dam, desert, diamond, dinosaur, dough, dragon, dust, earth, ectoplasm, egg, electric eel, electric ray, electricity, energy, explosion, farmer, feather, fern, fire, fire elemental, firearms, firefighter, firefly, fish, fisherman, flour, flower, flu, flying dinosaur, fondue, forest, fossil, frankenstein, frog, fruit, gasoline, geyser, ghost, glass, golem, grass, grave, grove, gunpowder, hen coop, hero, hospital, hourglass, hunter, hut, hydrogen, idea, iodine, kama sutra, kerogen, lamp, lava, lava golem, lava lamp, leech, library, lichen, life, light, light bulb, lightening rod, lightsaber, lime, limestone, livestock, lizard, locomotive, man, manure, mario, meat, metal, metal golem, milk, mite, mold, molotov cocktail, moss, motorboat, motorcycle, mud, museum, mushroom, omelette, oxygen, oxyhydrogen, ozone, panda, paper, pearl, peat, penicillin, petri dish, petroleum, phoenix, pillow, pinocchio, plankton, plesiosaria, poison, poisoned weapons, pressure, quark, reed, rust, sailor, salamader, sand, sandwich, scientist, scorpion, scotch whiskey, seed, sex, shells, sick, sky, skyscraper, smoke, snail, snake, sniper, soldier, soured milk, spinning wheel, star, steam, steam-engine, stone, storm, sugar, sulfur, sun, sushi, swamp, sweater, tequila, thunderbird, thunderstorm, time, toast, tobacco, tool, tree, turtle, twilight saga, typhoon, uncut diamond, undead, vampire, vodka, volcano, vulture, VW beetle, walking tree, warrior, water, werewolf, whale, wheat, wheel, whey, wind, wood, wooden ship, wool, worm, yarn, yogurt, yoshi, zombie.

if anyone could send the combos for the ones i dont have or some really good hints it would really be appreciated

It's not tile, just ceramic. Just think about how ceramic is made. You take ____ , shape it, and put it in the ____.

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