All Liberty (1.5) Themes mirrors.....

or if you have a google account just log in when it takes you to the google docs page.. thats what i did and it took me to the downloads page..=)
Thanks for putting these all together. Def makes it so much easier.
I needed a couple of these cause I can't load themes thru Liberty Toolbox
Ha forgot anytime dolphin browser has an update I need to switch settings back to computer view...downloads working like a champ.

Sent from Kimo91's Rooted and Liberated Droid 2
OK dumb question: where would I find the instructions on how to install themes once I download them?

Sent from Kimo91's Rooted and Liberated Droid 2
Can anyone make a mirror for honeycomb keyboard? link wont work on the thread =(
Question: so we can just flash theme mirrors on top of the theme we already have??