All New Emojis In Android 7.0 Nougat!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Nougat is finally here for Nexus devices, and yes I am aware that we have had Nougat on our devices for months now however we finally have an official, consumer friendly, and stable build! There are plenty of new features, but probably the only immediately noticeable feature is the new lineup of emojis!

Emojis have become an extension of our language. The more I see emojis grace my screen the more i begin to think that maybe the Egyptians were a society that got so out of hand with emojis that their whole literature system became a series of symbols that we now refer to as hieroglyphics. All joking aside emojis have become an easy way to show what you are really feeling when the person on the other side can't see your facial expressions.

With the official build of Android Nougat 7.0 we get a whole slew of new and updated emojis. The update includes 72 all new emojis. Android now supports 1791 emojis. The new emojis take on a more streamlined look with straighter lines and uniformed shapes. Overall this appears to be a pretty good update.

via emojipedia
I'm not a big fan as cross devices come out different. Iphone smiley face doesn't look like android 6.0 or 7.0 now.
I've never been that into Emoji's beyond Smiley faces mostly.
I really don't get the new flesh inspired colors. Were yellow smiley's really that offensive?