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Alpha CM7 a/Gingerbread kernel available

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :icon_eek: I finally got it set up how i wanted it! :( WHHHYYYYY!

Redflea, did you trying fixing the permissions?

Yeah, from CWR (not from ROM Manager)...please try that from ROM Manager and see if it helps.

I restored my previous nandroid of the last release w/my exchange account already set up, and then installed tonight's build without wiping data, and the existing exchange account works fine w/the new build if already set up, so I'm good at least for now, but we need to figure out why it's FCing when setting up new exchange accounts.
Yeah, from CWR (not from ROM Manager)...please try that from ROM Manager and see if it helps.

I restored my previous nandroid of the last release w/my exchange account already set up, and then installed tonight's build without wiping data, and the existing exchange account works fine w/the new build if already set up, so I'm good at least for now, but we need to figure out why it's FCing when setting up new exchange accounts.

I used the liberty toolbox, but i didnt have any FC problems in the first place(beside with the droid 2 overclocker, nothing new there though...its very buggy). So I have no clue why you are(im still a noob!) dancedroid
welp going to go flash that rom

EDIT:well i can confirm the KB is fixed

EDIT again..... HOLY CRAP! sooooo many custom options!!!
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Hope I get the time today to jump back and check it all out...When I do, I will send report..:-)
Thanks for the info! And fixes!:-)
Gotta conference call, and if I'm free, it will be today for sure...can't wait! Is battery still working ok?(as in much better than froyo?) Thanks!
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Yeah, I can't wait to get out of work tonight and flash this. I could flash it at work, but if something goes I don't want to be without a phone at work. Plus, if I do it tonight, I have all weekend to bug hunt! :D
No, ALT-Lock will never be fixed. ALT-Lock is a feature of Blur, and being CM7 is AOSP, it's impossible to fix.

Certainly a work around can be found for it though, right? It just seems like a waste of space to have a non-functioning key. Also, Apex 2.0 is an AOSP ROM and alt lock worked on it.

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Nope... This is what I got as a response from Rev after asking about the spell-check in other GB ROMs:

"It's not a bug, it was determined it was a feature of blur... which is also the reason our alt-lock key doesn't work... there is no framework in AOSP to handle the alt-lock key event (Thank you Gasai Yuno for finding/explaining that)"

Also, Apex 2.0 is an AOSP-LIKE ROM, not full AOSP. It still has the underlying blur there, they just removed the blur interface.
The install zip for the email fix that Rev pointed us to doesn't work. The email apk from the zip is not replacing the email.apk in system/app when CWR tries to install it.

You can tell when you're using the one from the update zip that Rev posted, as it doesn't have an option to set the color (as in the newer version that is FCing).

So don't use the CWR to install the email fix...simply rename the existing email.apk in /system/app, then copy the new file manually from the zip to /system/app (using something like Root Explorer) and set permissions and owner same as the existing email.apk app.

Exchange email, calendar, etc., are syncing normally for me after following this approach.
New version released for camera orientation fix......Im just going to wait to flash until something big is fix/final version.im on the keyboard fix one and its been stable and fine....i dont wanna go though all the setting and all of that over again...takes to long!!!!
You can go directly from Froyo CM using the Team Black Hat GB update zip (available in the paid version of the TBH app, I believe), but the "normal" process is:

1. SBF from Froyo to rooted GB leak
2. Install CM4D2GB build from Rev

Detailed steps that were posted by Simon:

heres the process i took to install CM7GB

1. flash tbh stock froyo .zip file (wanted a clean start to be safe)
2. boot into CWR
3. wipe dalvik/cache/data (just to be safe...i know i paranoid)
4. flash GB leak file and reboot [Redflea - he's referring to the GB zip file that acts like an SBF that Team Black Hat provides via their Team Black Hat app. If you don't have the app (it's paid) you can flash the rooted GB leak from here: Droid 2 Gingerbread (2.3.3) - Release - PreRooted - the "Direct Download" link in the second set of 1-4 steps in P3Droid's post]
5. boot into CWR
6. repeat step 3
7. flash CM7GB and reboot [Redflea - get the most recent build from Rev's dev thread here: [DEV_THREAD]Droid 2 CM7 with Gingerbread Leak Kernel]
8. boot into CWR
9. flash gapps and reboot (im sure i couldve flashed after CM7GB but i wanted to make sure it booted up first)

Once you flash to GB you'll have to SBF back to Froyo if you want to go back to CM74D2 Froyo...it's easy to do, but takes a little time.

I put on stock froyo, but I can't boot into CWR.
You're on stock froyo? Then root and use d2 bootstrap to get into cwr. Wipe everything, install the gb leak. Reboot. Use d2 bootstrap to get into cwr again. Wipe it all down and then install cm4gb zip And then gapps. Reboot

CM74D2 (1250Mhz-v6 supercharged)
You're on stock froyo? Then root and use d2 bootstrap to get into cwr. Wipe everything, install the gb leak. Reboot. Use d2 bootstrap to get into cwr again. Wipe it all down and then install cm4gb zip And then gapps. Reboot

CM74D2 (1250Mhz-v6 supercharged)

That worked!
I put on stock froyo, but I can't boot into CWR.

Sorry - I shouldn't have assumed you knew the interim steps after 2.3.20 SBF of rooting (using Z4 root app) and then installing D2 Bootstrapper app to bootstrap and launch recovery......