I didn't get the update either. Factory reset 3 times verizon said I needed a new phone. When I would check for update the wheel would spin for a minute then just go away. No matter if I was in 4g or wifi. Verizon said you can do an update over wifi. So I get the new phone, pop my sim card into it and Bam the update came within 2 minutes! But, now the phone says 4g but no signal bars! I call verizon, do another reset but no luck. They say the they will send an
other phone. I said lets try to put my sim back into my original tbolt so within 2 minutes my original phone got the update and I sent the one back they sent to replace this one. Call verizon and ask to put a phantom phone onto your line and then replace your phone after. Font get a new sim its not gonna help. If you have a friend with a 4g phone put your sim in that phone for a minute and then back to yours, tell me if it works! Good luck....