I agree it would be alot differentvif both were launched with ICS but as it is only the gn, and it will probly be 3rd 4th quarter 2012 before razr gets ics. I just read a post saying what phones sammy would release ics on but said it would be 2nd quarter 2012, isnt sammy known for getting early releases? I could be wrong? But there are still phones with no official gb... So i cant see getting a razr n saying , o but when ot gets ics.... While it may be better.. (then...and not saying it will.... Who knows) the fact is iy could be a year before it gets it, who knows what new toys will be out by then. Im not saying dont get razr, but dont get it on the bank that it will have ics within a month r so
sent while flying my kite in the rain