As I look at the software and the slamming of motoblur accompanied with all the love for ICS, I just have to say that for me, not only is the physical phone from moto far superior in every way, but the software too. Just consider the included and much maligned "motoblur" apps next to the most highly touted ICS updates.
Let's see, I can either have what looks like a truly amazing battery smart actions app which allows me to customize what my phone does based on time of day OR location OR both. Plus an app that lets me stream from either my work or home pc whenever I want to, wherever I am, including the option to move files or stream them whichever I want. PLUS an amazing laptop dock that turns my phone into a satellite lappy while it charges the much feared unreplaceable battery. OR
I can have facial recognition that doesn't always work, and even if it did, I do not want (I much prefer the encryption of the razr combined with a secure unlock motion like I ALREADY HAVE on my OG droid. Plus ICS right now instead of in four months (or six months for that matter). Plus NFC to pay for things with my phone, which I have no desire to do, and/or "touch" my phone with another similarly equipped phone and transfer contacts or files, which I had with Palm years ago and found to be a party trick for the most part. And to be fair, GNex is more workable for custom roms, etc.
And for me the razr hardware was already the deal-breaker, which drew me to moto. Radio. Tough build. Gorilla. Kevlar. Water resist.
It is an easy choice for me.
I think I can understand why others disagree, but for me ICS is just not that impressive, the higher res screen not noticeably better enough, and the wow factor of facial recog. or NFC just seem like fun but essentially useless additions to my real world. I LIKE the moto apps that are included (and if I don't, I will simply hide them). That's why I preordered a razr, and look about every day to check to see if it shipped!
Each to his/her own choice, just explaining mine.