I care about an unlocked Bootloader, as do many of the members of this forum. Razr owners will have to wait, and IF they're lucky, it may be unlocked...but who knows when. The GN is unlocked right off the bat.
Really now, where is your statistics? My judgement is based off the past couple months posts by members who comment on the news reports of droidforums.net. Where they are saying they don't care if it is locked or not. Is there users that do care? Yes. But I don't think the majority cares.
You said it, 2012. GN users will have used ICS for a least a month or longer before the Razr gets ICS - w/Motoblur, nonetheless.
Lol at least a month? That is not a long time at all, not to mention that is a bad approach to an argument. I actually think it will be a couple months, and some people like Motoblur, some don't.
I'm not sure why you think the Razr - with its locked bootloader, GB, and Blur - will get more developer attention than the open platform GNex with ICS.
The GNex is referred to as a developer's phone. Is everyone wrong but you?
Nah, I am just not the only person who disagrees with. And all I said is that it is debatable.
I don't see why you get so offended so easily over a little advantage most people don't even recognize or care about.
This is clearly an oversimplified poor statement.
Really now? How come most people say this? And it is true. Most people will choose a phone because of how it looks. Some people don't even care for specs, they see 4g and a nice looking phone and they want it. It is simplified, because thats just how it is. A lot of people have been saying this over and over. Why? Because its true. I have been reading this topic since post 1.
Why don't you agrgue with this person too?
how can it not? better camera even though smaller pixels(moto cameras are worst of all vendors)most cameras fail on phones because of sensors AND software, 1 of which ICS should help to fix, nfc / BT 4, better screen / BIGGER screen there are other factors besides PPI, like Gorilla Glasss, better gpu / Same GPU just overclocked SLIGHTLY, unlocked bootloader / No argument there only hope that the tool MOTO puts out helps us in some way with VZW, better aesthetics / Subjective at best, most seem to differ to the RAZR here plus has anybody even seen the LTE VZW Nexus remember it will be thicker than the HSPA+ version, faster updates / Yes but this is kind of a double argument... On one hand I here get the Nexus because of the Modding that can be done to it and the bootloader in which case you would be running on leaked versions way before official versions. And if you choose to wait for the official versions to push you probably aren't modding and the bootloader argument plays no factor, better dev support / MORE dev support, that doesnt always translate into "better" i'll take quality over quantity everyday. the only thing razr has going for it is kevlar and slim factor.
Just my 2 cents
And last
how can it not? better camera even though smaller pixels(moto cameras are worst of all vendors), nfc, better screen, better gpu, unlocked bootloader, better aesthetics, faster updates, better dev support. the only thing razr has going for it is kevlar and slim factor.
This information is poor and misleading.
Better Camera - You don't know this yet, you can only speculate. Like others who have also said, software not hardware is usually the problem
Better Screen - Not really. This can be argued with sure the Nexus has higher resolution but will take more battery to power that resolution. Also that it really is not noticeable. Also the Razr has gorilla glass, and so many other factors.
Better GPU - This has already been said, not even noticeable. Barely better and is that even better in the end?
Unlocked Bootloader - Yes it is unlocked, Razr is not. Majority of people do not care for this though.
Better Aesthetics - As DroidHoff said, subjective at best.
Better Dev Support - Not better, "MORE", once again as DroidHoff said: i'll take quality over quantity everyday.
You'll notice I am posting similar information over and over. This is because I am hoping it will sink in your head eventually.
Hope you understand now.