2) hook up an AM radio to your home computer and then set up a server to stream via the internet so you can stream to your phone. I do something like this with Howard Stern.
this would introduce it's own delay, probably on par with the CBS Radio Player.
what would cause the delay is:
1. analog to digital conversion (very, very slight, maybe a ms or 2)
2. compression for streaming (say a good ~100ms at least)
3. streaming across the internet, including
a. your computer to your ISP (could be anywhere from ~1ms to 1sec, depending on who you're with, time of day, etc)
b. your ISP to your mobile provider (i won't even guess)
c. your mobile provider to your phone (again ~1ms at least)
4. decoding and playback (negligible, less than a ms)
at best you're looking at a ~105ms delay, up to a couple seconds. your best bet is to find a cheapie stand alone AM radio