I currenlty have this installed, and i am Love love Loving it. BUT i get double notifications (seems from org cal, and yours) and its killing me. Also...now that the 'work" calendar is integrated in the main calendar i want to change the color the work calendar displays how can i do this!?!?That would work just fine.
If using adb you can replace the installed Calendar. It is installed under /system/app/CalendarGoogle.apk
using BB
adb push Calendar.apk /sdcard
adb shell
cp /system/app/CalendarGoogle.apk /sdcard/ <- Backup working version incase of issues.
cp /sdcard/Calendar.apk /system/app/CalendarGoogle.apk
Other option is to use the barcode scanner and download it with phone and install.
I have only tested on Android 2.2.
Hey DarkNet sorry this took me so long but here is a mock up with some different ideas. I personally like the triangles in the bottom lefthand corner of the date.
Yes this program will NOT load on a Droid X running 2.2
I currenlty have this installed, and i am Love love Loving it. BUT i get double notifications (seems from org cal, and yours) and its killing me. Also...now that the 'work" calendar is integrated in the main calendar i want to change the color the work calendar displays how can i do this!?!?That would work just fine.
If using adb you can replace the installed Calendar. It is installed under /system/app/CalendarGoogle.apk
using BB
adb push Calendar.apk /sdcard
adb shell
cp /system/app/CalendarGoogle.apk /sdcard/ <- Backup working version incase of issues.
cp /sdcard/Calendar.apk /system/app/CalendarGoogle.apk
Other option is to use the barcode scanner and download it with phone and install.
I have only tested on Android 2.2.
I tired to use the quoted directions (you posted) and i have no clue where to find this info, i searched the phone but dont see where it could be to "over right" the orignal calendar. I have a friend who also installed the cal based on my reccomenedation. whose double notifications are killing her too! Please ADVISE ASAP!
Thanks so much for all your efforts and time in to making other peoples lives eaier =)
Anybody else having trouble with this excellent mod not remembering the start date setting after rebooting the phone? Wouldn't be a problem except that Google Listen reboots my phone about 2 or 3 times per week.
HDPI Calendar has been updated with a few minor changes.
I am no longer working on the the MDPI version unless specifically requested.
HDPI Calendar has been updated with a few minor changes.
I am no longer working on the the MDPI version unless specifically requested.
So, that's the Cyanogen version? I assume I need full cyanogen and not just root to run it?
The latest APK works fine, but it has a "stamp" all over the screen that looks like a big "Q" with arrow in the bottom right corner. Is this intentional? If not - what can I post to allow you to debug it?
Using Nexus One with Enomther's custom ROM (2.2.1 AOSP-based).