but the problem is,,,, Iphone has better apps at everything, than the Android does.Haha, I've got a little over 100 apps on my phone, most of which are rarely used. Sure, the number of apps is a decent proxy for the relative portion of good apps available, but if you have one very good messaging app 10 or even 100 alternatives doesn't really make one market superior.
Not to mention, how many of us have apps only because it's cool or neat to show-off but really have no need or desire to use it (raises hand)? I mean, Shopsavvy is a great and handy little app, but I'll be damned if I'm going to scan a box of cereal and then drive across town to save 25 cents.
Android has less number of apps, while at the same time having less quality apps.
please tell me;
Tell me a Video Editor app on Android, that just as good or better than Iphone video apps.
Tell me a 3D Video Game app on the Android thats better than a 3D App of the same genre, thats only on Iphone.
This can go on all day,,,,,, you should get the idea.
Android's problem, is that the apps just arent as good as Iphone apps. And the smaller numbers also doesnt make this any better.:blackdroid: