Android Commander

Android Commander is awesome! I've been using it for several months now. I use to have a rooted G1 (HTC Dream) and I used Android commander on a regular basis. It makes pushing files, backing up apps, flashing ROMs, taking screen shots, etc a walk in the park!!! I turned to it because I was having driver issues on my computer trying to adb push stuff.
Having trouble putting ADB in path for android commander on pc. Did everything tutorial said but AC still cant find adb.exe. Any ideas?

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what version of windows are you running? it is windows right? I show how to edit the path very quickly in this old video I made - I'm actually putting ADB into the path here to run adb commands from anywhere in the command prompt.

Check it out, maybe it will help (best to watch in hi def, you'll be interested in the section from .35 - 1min)