Android Market -> Google Play Store


Premium Member
Mar 26, 2010
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Ok, I'm just venting here but hopefully I'm not alone. I am considerably disheartened by Google's decision to change the Android Market into the Google Play Store. I understand they're changing their scope, however it really does cast a bad shadow on Android as a whole. It devalues the brand, and makes me feel like it's "for kids". Buying and selling apps on the Android Market no longer feels like something my corporation should do. It feels like I'm buying playground time instead of touchdown licenses. This is just an ultimately frustrating move and I hope they rescind it soon.

I'm urging anyone that reads this and feels the same to go to Google's Facebook page and post your concerns in a constructive manner. With enough constructive criticism they may have a change of heart and return our Android Market. I doubt it but why not try..??

P.S. If you disagree with my opinion please voice that too in a constructive manner. Everyone deserves a voice.
To me it is just an example of "if it ain't broke don't fix it" . I don't have a clue what their goal is, maybe free advertising like New Coke was, but I just don't see it increasing revenues by the soon to dated name and it is to Apple like for my tastes. App store, Play store? I see a lawsuit over the name Store in the near future

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It just seems trivial. It's just a name, everything is still relatively the same as before. I didn't read any articles about why it was done but I don't see the big deal with a simple name change.

Albeit I do like how it sounded before the change.
I agree, the name seems too lax for all customers, specially those who do use Android in the business/enterprise sector.

"Well Bob, if you want to update the Touchdown email app, first go to the 'Play Store'...." just sounds really unprofessional to me, specially being in a business environment and managing 15 Android devices for my company.

And I can also see... "Hey Bob, I can't download apps anymore!?!?! Fix it!!!! Now!!!! What gives???? Stupid Phone! I told you we should have gone with the iPhone!...." 15 times over....

At least have a name that appeals to all ends of the spectrum, like, IDK, Market. Android Market. Market. App Market (too close to Apple's App Store?).

At least Apple has a decent professional name, "App Store."
I agree, the name seems too lax for all customers, specially those who do use Android in the business/enterprise sector.

"Well Bob, if you want to update the Touchdown email app, first go to the 'Play Store'...." just sounds really unprofessional to me, specially being in a business environment and managing 15 Android devices for my company.

And I can also see... "Hey Bob, I can't download apps anymore!?!?! Fix it!!!! Now!!!! What gives???? Stupid Phone! I told you we should have gone with the iPhone!...." 15 times over....

At least have a name that appeals to all ends of the spectrum, like, IDK, Market. Android Market. Market. App Market (too close to Apple's App Store?).

At least Apple has a decent professional name, "App Store."

This is exactly what I was getting at. We do BYOD and I have 100+ Android users. Sending people to the "Play Store" is not something as a professional I want to do. Oddly enough it looked more like a play store before .... they adopted a more robust look with the newer updates and then they pull this mess with the name...
I like that idea of going to their Facebook page and try and get the name changed back. Or at least a name that still shows it's android. This name change just does not go well.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
This is exactly what I was getting at. We do BYOD and I have 100+ Android users. Sending people to the "Play Market" is not something as a professional I want to do.

I like that idea of going to their Facebook page and try and get the name changed back. Or at least a name that still shows it's android. This name change just does not go well.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Wow, that's a lot lol. And I thought I had a lot haha. And yeah, "Play Market" is not very professional at all, they need to appeal to all markets in one.
Wow, that's a lot lol. And I thought I had a lot haha. And yeah, "Play Market" is not very professional at all, they need to appeal to all markets in one.

Haha, may be worth it. Could make one of those online twitter petitions or something. If you want something changed, gotta act on it. :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Only thing that still irks me is that the "market/play" icon when you open the app drawer doesn't work. (the one under the clock)
Only thing that still irks me is that the "market/play" icon when you open the app drawer doesn't work. (the one under the clock)

Elaborate? I see you are on a Moto phone, still true? If so, Google release an update to the market to fix the broken links in the Blur shortcuts on the app launcher.
Am I missing something or did they remove Paypal as a payment option?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
What was the reasoning behind the whole name change anyways? It didn't change the functionality of the market did it? Was it a ploy to have Google's name branded on it? I mean, before the market was partially broken. They could easily have just fixed it and left the name the same along with the icons and ways to get to the MARKET. Play seems too consumer oriented. I don't know what the numbers are, but I reckon that more businesses use iphones and black berries. If Google wanted to be taken a little more seriously, they should just take the "play" part out and name it google market. I don't know. it doesn't seem like a huge issue, but I still don't think it was a move in the right direction.
I don't like being forced to accept a new Eula to use an item that I already own. I gotta say I'm not feelin love for google and I miss my blackberry even more after getting delayed emails all the time. I could not use this in business, to inconsistent for me.