well... i got tired of the Delay in fixes and just the general BS of my DX, so i got the Gnexus, had to. "my apps" are all there, all is good with the world there, so it is a specific phone related issue, but, be happy folks, im going to be able to fully pull apart the OS and see if its a setting deep down in the system, or if it is truly a google issue, meaning, i am also going to remove EVERYTHING off of the root directory of the phone, there will be nothing on there but the bootloader... yes, i may never be able to use my old DX again ( not like i can use it much now) wish me luck that even after deleting it totally, i can access the bootloader menu and SBF the stock rom back on there...
BTW, my new Gnex is bootloader unlocked, and rooted (not having much luck with the CWR apps, but one thing at a time