Yes, mine appear to be sticking around, even after several times exiting and re-opening the market.
Never mind, mine are staying as well. Figured out what I did wrong. I was clearing market data, they seem to be sticking around now as well.
Yes, mine appear to be sticking around, even after several times exiting and re-opening the market.
Someone else on XDA solved it by deleting MarketEnabler and PaidApps.apk (never heard of PaidApps.apk) .
So I am almost sure it has NOTHING to do with the Google Servers nor Youre Google accounts.
For some reason the problem occurs when having some app installed.
...only paid and installed apps appear- I have several paid apps not installed that do not appear...
Well to me it seems that you should not worry. If you paid for am app but it's not installed then why would you care about updates? Just asking.
So, the "fix" that a few of us tried a few posts back only worked temporarily (for me at least). I went through and updated all of my apps last night and then afterwards (I didn't check before updating my apps) the "My Apps" list is blank once again.
Has anyone tried SBFing back to a completely clean system? I may give this a shot today unless I hear from someone else that it didn't work.