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android.process.acore force closes too much...

I just flashed from chevy 1.1ghz lv kernel to the chevy 1.0ghz lv kernel...mainly because I cant overclock to 1.1 ghz...my phone freezes...and Im pretty sure the max is 1.0ghz w/o running into probs on my phone.

I only overclock to 800 anyway. One thing I do like about the 1.o kernel is the 700mhz slot, which is not on the 1.1ghz kernel. Reason I like it is because I use that for an extra profile in setcpu...clock to 700 when battery is below 41%, 550 under 31%, and 400 under 21%. Gives me a progressive "downclocking" as battery is discharging.

My phone seems to like the 1.0 lv kernel better. I havent had the probs with force closing .acore or other quirks yet. Im thinking maybe it was picky on the kernel for my phone.

Also, I was finally able to change the boot animation when I changed kernels. So...happy now I have a :icon_ banana: for my boot animation. lol
Fix permissions did not fix this. I notice it happens often when I change the phones orientation from portrait to landscape and vice versa.

I wish BD or someone from his team was around to answer this. I really cant deal with this much longer, as I need my phone to be reliable which right now it is not.
I had this problem running the Verizon OTA update versions. May not be an issue with UD8.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Not saying it is hardware at all. I can't remember if it has happened on my replacement Droid or the first one I had. Has not happened since I rooted this one though. It may have been hardware on the old phone. Sorry I was not much help.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I keep getting it too. I overclocked only to 700 MHz and the phone is way more responsive. Try a lower frequency if you flash a new kernel and see how that works for you.
I am hesitant to flash a different kernel until I get to the bottom of this. Cant imagine it would work better than what BD chose for the ROM.
dude, Im thinking its the launcher. I was trying to use the ADW launcher and it was giving me problems. Every time I tilt the phone to change orientation, it gives me this FC we are talking about on like every 3-5 turns.

I am switching to the 3d launcher and it doesnt seem to do it no matter how many times I change orientation of the phone.

See if this works for you as well.

its starting to get on my nerves to the point Im about to switch to a different rom.

It IS ADW....BUT...it only happens when I use ADW's restore settings and desktop functions. I re-installed a clean download of UD8...played for a while...no issues...restored ADW's settings and BOOM...Acore crashed.

Re-installed clean UD8 and just redid my settings and desktop myself and NO ISSUES!

YAY :icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana:
yep, same here. ADW launcher does not like UD8, which sucks because I like ADW launcher. I get the problem no matter what...I even went to the market and downloaded the adw launcher new version...set up myself...and bam...still got the force close. Fixing permissions does nothing for it. Still doesnt work for me even if I dont use the restore and desktop functions...I still get a crash. I am just using the stock 3d launcher now. Im tired of setting my desktops up the way I want them. lol. I think you will be fine for a while with ADW launcher but eventually you will start getting the same FC. Please post back if you do.

Glad you got it resolved.
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I was flashing using clockworkmod. This morning I am going to restore to stock rooted nandroid, flash sprecovery, do a nandroid backup, clean/wipe, do a clean install of UD8 in Sprecovery, select ADW launcher, and set up my own desktop etc...widgets and see if I keep getting this error. If it continues, I may flash a different ROM....kinda sucks because I really like the UD rom, but I want it to work with ADW launcher.
you could probably get away without the wipe

Just reinstall UD8 over your data.

Then reinstall ADW and reset up

I did this....installed Chevys lv 1100 kernel...and applied some yankees theming via MM and phone is still stable and fast.
I did wipe clean. Flashed. Sprecov and did nandroid back up. Then flashed ud in sp....reboot. installed Chevy lv 1.1 and then setup my own using adw and so far so good.
All day...heavy usage...no FC or errors....dancedroid

I only wish UD8 would resume pandora after GPS interupts. Stock phone did.

When GPS interupts my Pandora...Pandora goes bye bye, and have to re-open it. With the Music player however, this does not happen....GPS interupts...voice navigation, music resumes.