But you have to have something to advertise. That's why Google ads for the watch suck. There was nothing to brag about before the apps started to get better. The Inc was a beast of a phone, thus it was touted as such. The iPhone was the first phone that was simple to use for the masses (there's an app for that spoke to the average task user). The bear chasing the folks and the watch saving the day to go with another Hyundai showing a business dressed lady using her watch to start her car as the commentator states "Hyundai Elantra . Now with smartwatch capability" speaks volumes. At the time the kids were dancing the best thing AW had going for it was playlist sync.I assumed you meant both hands were full. I really like keyless entry. It's very freeing not needing anything but a finger to punch in a code. Until you have that freedom, you won't understand. I jest.
You should know your audience better then that. I think we can all imagine.
I promise you I'll not be writing characters on my watch.
Pujie Black does all this. And I love it.
Date. Temp. Batt for watch and phone. And I can put other stuff there. Steps, appts.
I'm not nay saying your point. Being able to do that on any watch certainly would be nice.
Advertising is always king. Advertising MADE Apple. It built Samsung into a major player.
We had smartphones before Apple. Ever see a Palm Pilot commercial? A Motorola Q commercial running Windows Mobile? How many 1st gen iPhone commercials did you see?
Palm made some Pre commercials. That model did ok.
That famous tagline "There's an app for that" was a huge success. Droid Does...a good success.
HTC did well with the Incredible....remember those commercials? How about the ones that followed for HTC phones? Not so much.
I've seen some AW commercials. Most suck. I saw ONE Chevy or Hyundai commercial where dude starts his car with his watch....I want that.
He who advertises best....wins.
Sent from Turbo II
That's what I mean about advertising didn't make the smartphone go from niche to mainstream. It was capabilities going from not so much to add you wrote "I want that" because it's actually useful and not a gimmick.
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