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Android will fail without update reform

100 articles? Yet they haven't confirmed or denied?....... if you don't like it don't buy it. That's the power of the purse.

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That is exactly what I predicted will eventually happen in my o/p. I'll never understand why people get defensive when their phone is criticized lol, both android and iphone users do. Is it a low self esteem thing? I am criticizing the phone, not you.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
100 articles? Yet they haven't confirmed or denied?....... if you don't like it don't buy it. That's the power of the purse.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App

That is exactly what I predicted will eventually happen in my o/p. I'll never understand why people get defensive when their phone is criticized lol, both android and iphone users do. Is it a low self esteem thing? I am criticizing the phone, not you.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

I don't see this coversation as defensive but rather argumentative. Like i've said before the points you are making are not representative of android but of either the tech industry as a whole, particular manufacturers, or vzw. The grass is always greener on the other side so if you truly think this is an android specific issue, then by all means try a different platform. I'm nearly positive you'll have the same complaints. Truth be told my largest problem with your argument is the blanket statement that these issues will make android "fail" because that's just not so. Only time will tell how android fairs in the market, but this particular subject will not be their downfall.

tappin and a talkin
I don't think anyone here is getting defensive. We all (mostly) just agree that your prediction is wrong. Can I get a closed post? Woop woop!

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Ok, I think the OP had valid points although not completely thought or worded out.

Here is the problem with Android as I see it. (Which makes it a fact)

The Droid continues to get GREAT support, but that's because it's the top-selling android device of all time. Now, when there is no clear "leader in the clubhouse" (so to speak) for Android and all of the Android phones evenly split the pie, will there be an incentive for ANY of the manufacturers to continue to update the older devices instead of building a new one??? You start to see the strength in Apple's strategy when playing this scenario out.

I hope you guys can understand what I'm saying here.....
100 articles? Yet they haven't confirmed or denied?....... if you don't like it don't buy it. That's the power of the purse.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App

That is exactly what I predicted will eventually happen in my o/p. I'll never understand why people get defensive when their phone is criticized lol, both android and iphone users do. Is it a low self esteem thing? I am criticizing the phone, not you.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Thats such a cop out. "Is it a low self esteem thing"? Why because people have a different opinion than yours? Haha get over yourself guy. Thats what people say when they have no logical retort. Not sure if you noticed but you're on a forum talking about cell phones, so you might get some opinions on...wait for it...people's phones. GASP!!! What ever will you do!!! haha what a clown

UNC, you raise a good point. But the problem with the iphone is that for the most part (with the exception of the 4) each phone is pretty much the same. And its not like they push updates to it that frequently at all. Whats the difference in having an iphone that doesnt get any updates, but has no competition, and having an android phone that isnt getting updates, but has tons of better android phones as competition. The answer is that to the person that owns each of those phones respectively, its the same exact scenario. The difference is that those who are currently in the market for phones always have a new and better option, whereas with apple, you can still only choose the iphone 4.
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I see what you're saying and your probably right but that's not the point. I don't care all that much about updates and I don't think too many average users do either. For example my girlfriend has the g1 which still runs 1.6 and not once has she said to me
"You know what I hate about android/htc? The fact that I haven't gotten an update since the dawn of man"
In fact what she has told me is that shes itching to get the g2. I don't think the average user cares all that much about updates or even really pays attention to what they are/when they're coming, they just wake up one day with an update notification, pull it, and go on with their day. None of my friends on android os would even know what gingerbread is if it weren't for me yakking on about it forever. Since the average user is the largest chunk of where the money comes from, I find it very hard to believe that a lack of updates will affect android in the slightest.

tappin and a talkin
I got a d2g but im giving my Droid1 to my homegirl. I don't want her to be stuck on 2.2 forever. Some people do give phones to friends and it sux to not have improvements that are available for the platform u paid for.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums App
That's just the thing, so far, all of those updates are available. And if they're not, then they obviously aren't what you paid for. Please someone close this!

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I have to agree with everyone else. Android will not fail just because a few manufacturers don't update their phones. People who actually take the time to come to a phone forum are the ones who really want the updates because they keep up with what's going on. Out of every one of my friends who has Android, none of them express dismay that they haven't got the newest update. They don't even know about the updates. Every one of the them had an update waiting on their phone and didn't even upgrade to it cause they didn't know what it was. I had to tell them to download it so that way they could use the new features. The average consumer doesn't care about updates which is why this so called "fragmentation" hasn't really slowed Android's growth. Having a phone that is EOL after just a little while does suck, but I'm just going to start signing one year contracts so that I can upgrade after 10 months. Right now it doesn't really bother me though because I have an OG Droid and I'll probably have GB before people with the newer phones anyway. You gotta love an unlocked bootloader and great developers. If the pace is really bothering you that much though, perhaps the iPhone is the phone for you. I'll admit that it's a great device, but it's just not for me. That doesn't mean that it wouldn't be perfect for you though.
So nobody agrees with me? Y'all don't think that fragmentation is going to make for faster EOL's and less upgrades?

My previous post laid out a very real problem for Android, and I don't think you guys get WHY its a real problem.

*edit* just saw what you said Pyro. I agree with that for the most part, but since Apple only has a few phones with very similar architectures to create the updates for, they can address key issues much more quickly than Android. Lets just say Android 2.2 had a huge security hole, how would they patch it up? Would Google FORCE HTC, Moto, and Samsung to allow updates without their custom skins just to block the hole? I don't think they can legally. That would end up making Android look pretty bad, and it wouldn't even necessarily be their fault.

You are dead on about the different options for android and not having to wait a year for a (major) update. My point was that that diversity is not always a good thing. MS still SOLD Windows to the CPU makers so they still controlled what could ultimately come preinstalled, and make sure everything lined up proper for updates... Android cannot do the same thing, and in certain situations that can be crippling.
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What's with all the "ifs"? When has it been crippling? Specifically. There shouldn't be any ifs because all this stuff has already happened. Is android dead? No. Is it dying? No. When I don't like the way a product is supported I don't buy it. If anything I think android might fail because they' don't make me use QuickTime.......lawlz. This is just a flame bait post. If you want people to agree with you on the topic of "Android will fail...." post it on ihazgivenstevejobsmymoneynowizcool.net

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Not having a top dog might actually be a problem, but even though the Droid was top dog at one point in time I doubt it'll get updates for the whole 2 years that the contract we signed was for. As for patching a security hole, if you've noticed, phones have gotten plenty of small updates that fixed bugs and other little problems much more quickly than switching to an updated version of the OS. All the manufacturers have to do is change a small bit of code so it wouldn't really take them that long compared to as long as updating the whole OS does. Plus, as long as it's taking manufacturers to update, I'm pretty sure Google will have found the security hole before the manufacturers even finish writing the code for the update lol. In theory, it is a good point though, we just haven't seen it actually happen in real life.
Not having a top dog might actually be a problem, but even though the Droid was top dog at one point in time I doubt it'll get updates for the whole 2 years that the contract we signed was for. As for patching a security hole, if you've noticed, phones have gotten plenty of small updates that fixed bugs and other little problems much more quickly than switching to an updated version of the OS. All the manufacturers have to do is change a small bit of code so it wouldn't really take them that long compared to as long as updating the whole OS does. Plus, as long as it's taking manufacturers to update, I'm pretty sure Google will have found the security hole before the manufacturers even finish writing the code for the update lol. In theory, it is a good point though, we just haven't seen it actually happen in real life.

Nope, we haven't seen it happen yet, but as android becomes more fragmented with different implementations it becomes more of a possibility.

I'm very thankful that you took the time to write all that out without any fanboy bias!

And btw I think droid 1 will remain the #1 android device for atleast the full two years after its release. Now the phones come in bunches with ads being for the droid line, not an individual phone. I realize the Eris came out with the droid, but let's be serious the ads were all Droid all the time. We can look back on my prediction later!

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
So nobody agrees with me? Y'all don't think that fragmentation is going to make for faster EOL's and less upgrades?

My previous post laid out a very real problem for Android, and I don't think you guys get WHY its a real problem.

*edit* just saw what you said Pyro. I agree with that for the most part, but since Apple only has a few phones with very similar architectures to create the updates for, they can address key issues much more quickly than Android. Lets just say Android 2.2 had a huge security hole, how would they patch it up? Would Google FORCE HTC, Moto, and Samsung to allow updates without their custom skins just to block the hole? I don't think they can legally. That would end up making Android look pretty bad, and it wouldn't even necessarily be their fault.

You are dead on about the different options for android and not having to wait a year for a (major) update. My point was that that diversity is not always a good thing. MS still SOLD Windows to the CPU makers so they still controlled what could ultimately come preinstalled, and make sure everything lined up proper for updates... Android cannot do the same thing, and in certain situations that can be crippling.

My understanding was that MS made DOS, which was made to run on the IBM PC. IBM made a business decision to license out their technology so others could make it. That licensing allowed others manufactures to quite literally copy IBM's machines (With alterations, of course), and thus continue to have more and more machines that ran Microsoft DOS (which was the OS at the time). Evolving from DOS to Windows was just a simple evolutionary step at that point.

Your point about Android is valid though. Take a look at manufacturers like Velocity. They make a tablet called the Micro Cruz, with a totally non-standard processor chip. The problem is the kernel doesn't quite run well on the chip they used, so many apps/games won't run, let alone even install on the Micro Cruz Tablet.