So nobody agrees with me? Y'all don't think that fragmentation is going to make for faster EOL's and less upgrades?
My previous post laid out a very real problem for Android, and I don't think you guys get WHY its a real problem.
*edit* just saw what you said Pyro. I agree with that for the most part, but since Apple only has a few phones with very similar architectures to create the updates for, they can address key issues much more quickly than Android. Lets just say Android 2.2 had a huge security hole, how would they patch it up? Would Google FORCE HTC, Moto, and Samsung to allow updates without their custom skins just to block the hole? I don't think they can legally. That would end up making Android look pretty bad, and it wouldn't even necessarily be their fault.
You are dead on about the different options for android and not having to wait a year for a (major) update. My point was that that diversity is not always a good thing. MS still SOLD Windows to the CPU makers so they still controlled what could ultimately come preinstalled, and make sure everything lined up proper for updates... Android cannot do the same thing, and in certain situations that can be crippling.