Yup. I had to go with the Fire Phone as well.
Even with the recent news about India, the OnePlus is still hanging in there. It's yet to be seen whether it will gain a foothold or not. It'll be at least mid-'15 before we know for sure.
As for battery life, my Nexus 7 (2012) seems to have improved a little since lollipop. Of course, that could be from the factory reset that I did after installing 5.0 and I was very selective about what apps I reinstalled.
As for 2013 N7's running like crap, I can relate there, as my 2012 was VERY sluggish after the update. Now, I believe that it was just updating/installing a ton of apps at once. I didn't pay much attention the first few times I booted it up, because I really only use it for reading and the occasional remote session into work when my computer isn't handy, but I was marveling at how slow every response was the other night when I went to read and decided to check my apps. There were about 10 trying to install and Google Play Services needed updating. After all of that was done, I'd dare to say that it's snappier than ever.
Even with the recent news about India, the OnePlus is still hanging in there. It's yet to be seen whether it will gain a foothold or not. It'll be at least mid-'15 before we know for sure.
As for battery life, my Nexus 7 (2012) seems to have improved a little since lollipop. Of course, that could be from the factory reset that I did after installing 5.0 and I was very selective about what apps I reinstalled.
As for 2013 N7's running like crap, I can relate there, as my 2012 was VERY sluggish after the update. Now, I believe that it was just updating/installing a ton of apps at once. I didn't pay much attention the first few times I booted it up, because I really only use it for reading and the occasional remote session into work when my computer isn't handy, but I was marveling at how slow every response was the other night when I went to read and decided to check my apps. There were about 10 trying to install and Google Play Services needed updating. After all of that was done, I'd dare to say that it's snappier than ever.