Any Comments on Fisheye, Macro, Wide Angle & Telephoto Phone Lenses With the Droid 3?


Sep 25, 2011
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A story on (New Top 10 Tech Items?) the other day showed an interesting set of Fisheye, Macro, Wide Angle and Telephoto Phone Lenses (3 lenses) available online from for $49. Has anybody on the Forum bought these yet and used them? What do they think of them? Do they work OK with a hard case (i.e. do they mount on the case or do they have to mount directly on the camera?).
A story on (New Top 10 Tech Items?) the other day showed an interesting set of Fisheye, Macro, Wide Angle and Telephoto Phone Lenses (3 lenses) available online from for $49. Has anybody on the Forum bought these yet and used them? What do they think of them? Do they work OK with a hard case (i.e. do they mount on the case or do they have to mount directly on the camera?).

I have a friend that got them. He uses them on his portable video camera and webcam. I'm not sure if he's mounted them on his phone, I know he was going to! They're great though! I say get them! :)
oh, and if you don't know how they mount, they have a magnetic ring you stick on around the lens, depending on the case, they could fit. Then the lenses stick onto the ring.