LOL. You know what I think is ridiculous?
I'll tell you anyways.... it's that you think I'm complaining, when all I'm doing is letting everyone know what I'm going through, and that I have stopped trying to make my Bionic work after 3 phones and the OTA software update that was supposed to solve the problems according to Motorola and Verizon.
You keep harping on the fact that I need an iPhone, as if it's some super bad awful insult. LOL! Only to you guys is it such a horrible thing to consider other phones, because its an Apple product. You know, I have owned and programmed software for Macs, PC's and Linux boxes. I'm not ashamed to say I have used and am very skilled with all of those different OS's, because it earns me top dollar on the job to know my way around all of them. If I was developing for phones, you bet your butt I'd know my way around an iPhone too. Your suggestions that the iPhone is so inferior that I need one because I lack the skills to use a Bionic is pretty lame. I outgrew those kinds of arguments in high school. Sorry if I dont subscribe to your little juvenile attitude of Team Bionic being in a holy war against Team iPhone or Team Nexus or any other phone faction. How much more ridiculous can you get?
Lastly, I have never knocked you for liking reflash your phone, but you seem to want to throw it around as if its some sort of impressive feat. Let me tell you, flashing phone ROMs has got to be the most brain-dead function when it comes to working with electronics. A freackin monkey could do it. It's dull and non-challenging, but it is time consuming, and I refuse to have to do that with something I paid for. I don't have to do that with my car, I don't have to do that with my other household appliances, and I don't have to do that with most of the software that I use on my PC, so why should I have to do that with my phone?
I am amused though that you judge folks here on droid forums by how many "phone mods" you can list. How cute... you need badges to feel good about yourself.