Just installed ADW 'launcher' on HTC rezound. VERY GLAD I did NOT go for the paid version.
[Apr 3, 2012] This 'app' is just a clumsy hack, like ALL the other 'launchers' out there, including LP.
Besides instabilities, the app presented ABSOLUTELY NO METHOD of disabling it while looking back to see how I had arranged my stock screens. I tried all the nonworking 'suggestions' on various fori online; NOT A SINGLE ONE WORKED.
I finally had to simply uninstall the thing to get back to stock. Data clearing failed, etc etc etc. I could not find any 'app' listing for ADW in the main app list. Even task killers could not find it.
What a waste of my time - I thought I had learned that with other 'launcher' hacks out there.
I'd advise anyone interested in having a working phone to avoid these hacks like the plague, and stick with whatever stock interface you have. That is, unless you are a glutton for punishment and *enjoy* trying to make truly buggy hacks work at all.
Give me a break.