Anyone else get a lil Extra Love form Verizon?


New Member
Nov 9, 2009
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New York
So as Im sure many people know, Verizon has been sending out T-shirts, with coupons in a box labeled "bragging Rights have landed". as I understand it this was only done for a few select groups of people on the network, Which made me feel kind of special when I recieved mine about a week ago. When I came home today however... I saw a SECOND box from them which had the same contents? I was just wundering if Verizon loved anybody else as much as they do me?

Ps.. I only just signed up to verizon when the droid came out, prior to that I had an iphone
I have not gotten anything. Been with Verizon for 8 freaking years :(
Me--13+ (Qualcomm / AirTouch / Verizon) Oh well, at least we have a kick-ass phone--right? LOL

- Mega

sry guys lol... Im not rly sure why i got even 1 shirt let alone 2.. i checked the id code they stamp on the box and mine have 2 different codes, so its not like I got 2 b.c of a computer error it seems. I wish someone knew why some peopel get them and others dnt
Been with Verizon since 1995 and... nothin'. Guess they figure they got me, why do they have to wine and dine (or in this case t-shirt) me. :icon_ poke:
Been with them (including the other networks that turned eventually turned into Verizon) for 20+ years. Haven't received a thing.
i hadnt even heard about it until you, blackout. any chance you have a picture of them so we can see what they look like? keep in mind right after i post this, im gonna go use google.

added slightly after posting:

GoogleIsMyFriend said:
I've been with Verizon for 9 years, and haven't got a thing, except a big freakin' bill. And I've got 5 lines with them!! Dang this bites!!. :mad:
All I got was an email thanking me for my loyalty and telling me I've been a Verizon customer since 2007 counting my Alltel account as their join date.
I was the 3rd person in line at the store on Droid Day as it were, but I did get a goody bag from the Motorola rep. Alas, it was not as cool as a DroidDoes T-**** that I could wear to the iLounge Pavillion at CES next month...