I agree that "Droid Does" really launched Android to where it is today, however I believe that belongs to the Original Droid. Every other "Droid" afterwards (except perhaps for Droid 1 sequels) doesn't really identify with the "Droid" label. Even if it "Droid" was helpful to the Android base to begin with, I think it is detrimental to it now. Android is big enough now to have it's own identity, rather than being mixed up with Verizon's branding. So if someone asks you if you "have a Droid" or mixes up an Android phone in conversation, please correct them. Plus, it just sounds stupid at this point. It's like if you call a relative in Europe and told them that you where in the United States, and they said, "Oh really? So you're in New York?" Also, I really feel that branding certain phones as "Droids," Verizon is tricking people into signing with them/buying certain phones. Maybe we're smarter, and maybe people know that they can get "Droids" through other carriers too. But, I bet there are a handful of I guarantee there are a handful of customers that went to VZ because they have "Droids." It's the same way I'm sure that Verizon gets people to subscribe to VZ Navigator for $10 extra a month when Google Maps is there, is better, and is FREE!The Droid branding works, so why drop it? Verizon and its silly "Droid" campaign did more for the Android platform than anything had up to that point. I honestly think if it weren't for "DROID DOES", Android wouldn't be where it is today. Yes, it's getting a bit old. But it continues to add a "cool" factor to Android that the kiddies like.
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