I just kind of stumbled into a Droid as I was due for an upgrade under Verizon's New In Two deal and I moved to the Droid from another Smartphone, the Moto Q which I got from Alltel. I wound up on Verizon as part of the Alltel-Verizon merger.
The only way I ever put up with the Moto Q and it's butt-dialing, refusal to take a charge unless it's powered off and back on, and the horrible tendency to randomly go into speakerphone mode for no apparent reason whatsoever was getting an iPod Touch to supplement it.
Now, it's my understanding the the iPhone is kind of the enemy of the Droid, and my iPod Touch is so close to an iPhone that it's literally running on iPhone software, but I have run into more than a few similarities between the Droid and the iPod Touch starting with the touch-screen slide to unlock it. I'm used to that so I'm happy Motorola went with something familiar.
Flicking up and down to scroll through menus and such made me feel like I already know how to use this phone and I only got it two days ago.
This phone is already a stone cold improvement over the Q. I hated that the keyboard was exposed on the Q and I'm never, EVER buying a candy bar style phone with an exposed keyboard again. No way. The slider feature of the Droid is so much better than either the touchscreen of the iPod or the exposed keyboard of the Q that I'm sticking with sliders from now on.
The display is absolutely gorgeous. It's easily the best cell phone display I've ever seen in my life. I think it beats my Sony PSP display hands down and that's not even a touch screen.
Then I found out there are FREE APPS!! Nothing on the Q was free. Cripes, that phone nickeled and dimed me like I was a money tree.
The first Droid I saw was in the hands of a Motorola Engineer (I run into Motorola employees a lot, like about daily) and he showed me the barcode app and how it works. I was stunned, and I thought the phone came with it.
It doesn't, of course. So I figured out I had to download it and I thought "here we go again, shaking the money tree" and found out it was FREE. FREE? FREE apps on a CELL PHONE? The only thing I'd ever gotten for free from a cell phone was a blistered thumb before I met the Droid!
I like it a whole lot, but then I'm the target audience. I'm very technically oriented, I'm not afraid of learning something new and the phone is cool as cool gets.
I'm really happy with it. The Q is FIRED.