Anyone envy the RAZR maxx??? Stopped by the store and love that 3300 battery....

Well, given that I've got 1 day 20.5 hours on my standard battery with OpenKang, I'd say no, I don't envy the Maxx. I mean, if you really want to use the daylights out of your phone or have a long trip, that's great. For my usage, though, I don't need it.
Well, I certainly wouldn't trade my GNex for a Maxx, since the ICS and massive Dev community, put it over the top for me. I do however, appreciate the fact that Motorola just reset the bar for battery capacity. I wouldn't mind a non-removable battery at all if it were as big as the Maxx...
The razr was my second choice after the nexus. The Maxx battery is nice. But I'd rather not trade away ics and the word "nexus" on my phone, but I'm glad companies are at least claiming to improve batteries and slow down releases

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
When I went from an original Moto Droid to my HTC Incredible, I thought I would hate the lack of a real keyboard. That lasted about a month, and ever since, I could never do without Swype or SlideIt.

+1. No way I could ever go back to physical keyboard or pecking. I swype about 40 words per minute, maybe 10 on a physical keyboard and about the same via pecking. No comparison.

we have different definitions of "nice". the razr has a crappy screen (same res as the X) which was old tech when the original razr came out, motoblur skin crap, and gingerbread (and prob won't get ICS within the next millennium), and the huge battery makes it even more awkward to use the touch screen one handed than with the original razr.

to each his own, but i'll be keeping my GN :D

Not to defend the Razr, but the screen is actually equal to the Gnex (a tad higher I believe if you go by ppi only). My wife has it, and the screen is beautiful. Now the DX....that was a crappy screen. Loved it at the time with the "big" screen (compared to the OG). But the screen resolution at least would not be a reason to choose the Gnex over the Razr.

Yea but with a 3300 in it you can abuse it and have battery left over. Mine lasts too now but still. At the end of the day when I charge it I want it to have juice left even after using it a lot throughout the day.

If the title had been "Do you want a 3300 mAh battery, I think we'd all say "hell yeah". I don't have any problems either, as I charge many time throughout the day. But I'd take a 3300 battery anyway. Not a chance I'd take a Maxx over a Gnex though.
Ppi is lower on the razr. By a lot. The nexus is slightly close to the rezound
I had the orignal razr. and even though the MAXX can last twice as long as my nexus i still wouldn't trade it.. 4.65 in screen, and i would consider the razrs Ppi outdated! not to mention ICS, and alot smoother UI. the nexus is a much better phone! DancingNexus

plus rumor has it motorola will be releasing the "Droid RAZR MAXX+" 4.5 in screen , quad core 1.5 ghz, and a 720p hd display and lets not forget the 13MP camera!! within the next 2 months!!:blink:
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Ppi is lower on the razr. By a lot. The nexus is slightly close to the rezound

You're right, it's 256 (Razr) vs. 316 ppi. All I know is side by side, I don't see any difference in the display from my wife's phone to mine. The guy before said the display on the Razr was crap, and I disagree. It's far better than my old Bionic (I know....."old Bionic"'s been out for 5 months). That screen was crappy.
You're right, it's 256 (Razr) vs. 316 ppi. All I know is side by side, I don't see any difference in the display from my wife's phone to mine. The guy before said the display on the Razr was crap, and I disagree. It's far better than my old Bionic (I know....."old Bionic"'s been out for 5 months). That screen was crappy.

Idk about that....I see a HUGE difference between the two screens. The razr looked cheap even for an LED. I really hated the screen, in my opinion it looked pretty bad. The nexus on the other hand has the best screen in the market I think.

The bionic didn't have a worse screen, if anything the resolution was better or the same. It just used different technology and it was LCD as well so it looked grainier. But you can see the screen in all weather conditions which was a huge plus.
You're right, it's 256 (Razr) vs. 316 ppi. All I know is side by side, I don't see any difference in the display from my wife's phone to mine.
The Razr is still qHD, and qHD doesnt suck. It is almost the same resolution as Apple's Retina Display.

I personally do notice the difference, but that is because I am a graphics nerd and focus on stuff like that. 256ppi is still really good.
Do I envy large batteries? Sure I guess, but not too much. With my usage pattern, I don't have too much trouble making it throughout the day without the phone dying in the process. Of course, more is almost always better. I still think I would prefer a smaller battery that is removable, compared to large a battery that isn't removable. This way I can swap batteries mid day if necessary. Also, if something were to go wrong with my current battery I don't need to get another new device, I can easily replace the battery.

About the rest of the device though, no I am not very envious of it. I do like the HDMI port however.
You're right, it's 256 (Razr) vs. 316 ppi. All I know is side by side, I don't see any difference in the display from my wife's phone to mine. The guy before said the display on the Razr was crap, and I disagree. It's far better than my old Bionic (I know....."old Bionic"'s been out for 5 months). That screen was crappy.

Pretty funny, I thought the display on the Bionic was great until I held it next to my Nexus! Come to think of it, the Nexus made everything on that phone look bad! :happy3:
Dear Lord... all the phones are crap (except the Gnex of course... lol) pick your peice and roll with it... :D
I'm pretty much done buying phones and tablets from other manufacturers. I wish Google would open a store like apple has and also start producing nexus tablets. That's the only thing I admire about apple, customer service and the fact that you can go into stores for them to troubleshoot problems u have with devices.

Verizon customer service doesn't count as customer service by the way.

When they tell you to download task managers and say that a battery life of 10 hours with no use at all being great that means that they're pretty slow.

I only wish Google would open stores in different locations and start making more products. I'll definitely be a Google fan boy.