Anyone have first hand experience with Verizon returns?


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
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Hey All,

So I got my Droid Bionic yesterday - I came from an OG Droid. I do like it, but it was an expensive device and to be honest, I was expecting more. I am most disappointed with the screen, which is pretty bad compared to my OG droid. The blacks look extremely washed out and you can see the pixels really easily.

I'm considering returning it. I know Verizon has a 14 day return policy? Is that flexible? Also....I had the new every two discount from I paid $250 for my phone (I know ...coulda gotten it cheaper else where). I'm worried that if I return my phone, I will lose my new every two discount. Plus....I have to pay a restocking fee. The CSR I talked to said I would.

Anyway....I'm trying to figure out a strategy to get me by until a better phone comes out. Anyone know any good methods? What I would LOVE to do is to keep using this Bionic until maybe the Prime comes out, and then deciding if I want to switch or not. But I don't know if that's possible. Just so you know, I am not ABOVE lying or talking my way out of things =)

Any advice would be appreciated
Like I just posted in another thread, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a software update soon with the Bionic...
I was told by a local VZW that it wouldn't effect my new every 2. But I'd call VZW and make sure. I think they could answer all your questions.

Tapped from an Unbrickable DROID
Speeding Wheels - no disrespect, but if you read my post, you would know that that isn't a viable option for me. I can't afford to pay for another phone at full price.

Thanks to everyone else for your suggestions. Shadez - what would an update address?
I am most disappointed with the screen, which is pretty bad compared to my OG droid. The blacks look extremely washed out and you can see the pixels really easily.
i definitely agree with that. this screen is pretty bad.
I'm considering returning it. I know Verizon has a 14 day return policy? Is that flexible? Also....I had the new every two discount from I paid $250 for my phone (I know ...coulda gotten it cheaper else where). I'm worried that if I return my phone, I will lose my new every two discount. Plus....I have to pay a restocking fee. The CSR I talked to said I would.
i doubt that 14 day return is flexible at all. from my experience with returning my X2, its like you never bought it but your out $35 for the restocking fee. so id assume you keep your NE2 discount, but again not %100 sure.

Like I just posted in another thread, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a software update soon with the Bionic...
Shadez - what would an update address?
definitely not the quality of the screen.
Negative... u will loss your ne2 and the 14 days is not flexible..u get one swap during the two weeks and yes if u return it it will be a restocking fee... I would trade you...

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Go to a store, talk to the manager. He will give you a definitive answer, and you may even get a deal. If it has a chance to get him more sales in the future he'll go for it.
I bought the tbolt at bby and and then returned it which took away my NE2 discount but i called verizon and they made a note about so when i upgraded to the bionic i still had the $50 discount although i did it best buy again (no restocking fee there) so u will still have your NE2. I will agree with a couple of the other posters i am really not diggin' the screen. I am very underwhelmed at the quality.. the "screen door" affect is really bad and its not just the blacks that are off the blues, green and yellows look awkward to me... i too am considering returning it. Although i really like moto phones i am not sure that this one is worth a two year contact.. for me at least.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I'd just return it and use your OG until the the Vigor or Prime come out, their screens will be a lot nicer. I agree that the screen isn't worthy of it's price tag or a 2 year contract. It is still a great device, but screens are too important to me to buy this phone.

As others have said, $35 restocking fee no matter what you do, or you could keep the Bionic for the next 2-3 months until a phone comes out you want and sell the Bionic on Ebay/Craigslist. Could probably get a good $400+ out of it still and then buy the next phone off contract and pay the $150-200 difference.
the manager at my store was pretty cool when i needed to exchange my bricked droid