What u guys are forgetting is the 2.1 is ripped from the nexus firmware...nexus doesn't have these buttons same reason keyboard won't light on 2.1...stop being impatient and wait for the real 2.1 update I'm sure all these issues will be resolved...I do agree that work needs to be done for dock its bright n I fear ima burn out my screen by using it every night
If the issue is a physical design that doesn't allow the screen to be lit independantly of the buttons then how can firmware change this? I have a feeling that this is the best it's going to get unfortunately due to a minor oversight on the equipment design team, aka Motorola.
Edit: I just though of something, the screen CAN be lit independantly of the buttons (I think) because a couple times now, with the keyboard open and screen lit up, the keys wouldn't light up in the dark... including the side buttons as I recall. I can't remember for sure so if someone can confirm or deny this it would tell us if the capability physically exists to light them independantly of each other.