i am sure. I zoomed in on the map and can see myself walking up the street past the building where my wifi access point is located. If i go outside the range of my access point, the maps don't update anymore but my location moves along the existing map.Update! Just took a walk outside and discovered that my GPS does work. Found my location on Maps just fine. Maps won't update unless I have a wireless connection though. So when i get too far from my access point the maps won't update. Can't have everything I guess. The important thing is that the GPS in my Droid does not depend on having a verizon network connection.
Hmmm, Interesting. This could be of some use.
Are you sure it is the GPS working or is it just the phone finding a location based on the WIFI location?
The GPS is working, I am positive.
Excellent... This could come in handy when Geo-Caching outside of cell coverage.