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I didn't start this thread for people to fight and bicker. I just wanted to get someone to port a great theme over to miui. But it seems that this thread is just causing problems.
I think it would be better to wait for the team to either give you (or someone else) permission to port it, or port it themselves. It is their work. They should have the choice of what roms they want it on. I mean, porting without permission never goes very well...
Not to stir the pot, nor discredit anyone's hard work on any rom/theme/app, but this negates the whole point of open source... If they aren't charging anything for their product/service, then anyone in the open source community should be free to use said product/service for whatever and however they like. That's the beauty and fundamentals of open source.
Idc if it goes against open source or not. It's called not being a douche and asking the person who spent hours if not days on something for you to use. I hate it when people throw the open source tag around like this, as it is just an excuse to do something morally wrong.
Uh. No. People develop products and services for others to use. If you don't want others to use your P/S, you don't release it to the public. Simple as that.
Open source means just that, the source of your P/S is open to the public for their own use. The whole idea behind it is sharing with others, not keeping things from them. It would only be considered morally wrong if you took credit over the other person/team (and even then, it takes work to do something as easy as port a theme) or sold the P/S when they were offering it for free or were selling it in the first place. Open source isn't a tag, you may want to read up on what open source is, as it has greatly affected the world, and without it, we would probably be years, if not decades, behind where we are today.
Lastly, I'm not saying that it's not polite to ask them if you can use it, but does that mean the macros I run at work shouldn't be used because I can't contact the person who originally put them together? That I shouldn't code anything because somebody else took the time to make that code work? By your logic, I can't develop a website in CSS because I can't ask the team who originally created it for their permission to use it on my site. This website wouldn't be here because it's using vBulletin, something developed by somebody else. And we shouldn't be running anyone's ROMs as they are simply manifestations of the original source from Google...
And I apologize for getting off-topic, but I would simply like to see forward progress made for all Android phones.
The bickering over this is stupid and sad. Importune has already stated before the beta was even out, someone has already been prepared to port it to miui. Enough said. All you have to do is ask. They will welcome the help. Avalon was made to be multirom from the get go.