Bought my phone on Nov. 6th. A couple weeks later, I sent in the rebate form that was shipped with the phone. Checked on the rebate status a couple of weeks after that and it said it was invalid due to an incorrect purchase date. Called and asked 'em, WTF?
They said that the form I filled out was the incorrect form. I told 'em it was the only form I had (it came with the phone in the shipping box.) They took another rebate application from me over the phone and gave me a new rebate tracking number for it.
Haven't received that rebate card yet, but when I check the new tracking number on the website it says the rebate is valid and should be shipping soon. (It's been about 10 days since they re-did the rebate for me.) Total time spent on the phone trying to figure out the problems with the original rebate: about 15 minutes.
So it hasn't been as smooth as it should've been, in my opinion, but they did handle it properly. I'm guessing I'll have the card next week, sometime -- they told me 3 weeks was the average time to receive the card, so I'm not concerned yet.
EDIT: Just checked the website for the first time in a few days. Now it says that the card shipped on Dec. 17th. So maybe it'll be here in the next couple of days instead of next week.
EDIT2: Got the card on Dec. 23rd. So it's all good.