apex double sms issue unresolved


Jan 17, 2011
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Ok I know alot of you are going to answer this and say, "check other threads". I have been running apex 1.3.1 for about a week and its got a bug in it or something because no matter what sms app I use i.e. handcent, chomp, go, or stock moto...i am getting double messages and can't stop that from happening. If someone knows what's causing this to happen i would be very grateful. Im new to the forum scene and have searched tons of threads and still no answer. Please help.

Droid 2...apex 1.3.1 w/ gb theme
i got ur answer right here... use the terminal app they have on apex
start with typing in su. then it should ask for superuser permission. press yes.
then you can type in messaging and then just chose either moto or aosp.
Ok i got that part down, i typed in messaging it gave me the two options. Then what exactly do i type to pick one. I tried.....

#messaging aosp

But then it just moved one line down and put # in again, how do i know it worked?
Nevermind i figured it out.

For anyone else with the problem for future reference, type exactly this...

Messaging -aosp


Messaging -mot

Thanks for ur help zzz123kkma
You saved me a huge headache :greendroid:
yea sorry i didn't specify that last part but yea thats the fix everyone