Have you had any issues going from apex back to zombiestomped? I was running apex formaybe a few days. it was nice.untill it kept messing up.my display kept going out and id have to do battery pullls. then it it would just freeze my whole phone all together at times..again battery pull. so i switched back to zombiestomed.. i sbfd, froyo, then gb, then ZS. still the problems i had with apex came ontoo froyo and onto Zs and i dont kno why. i know its not ZS. this has never happened until i loaded apex's rom. no offense to apex himself bu the rom needs work. alot of work :/
*Update: again I could be wrong..gonna check if its jus the sd card i bought recently.. if not then it must be apex.. Not tryna blame anyone jus tryna find a fix :/.
*Update: again I could be wrong..gonna check if its jus the sd card i bought recently.. if not then it must be apex.. Not tryna blame anyone jus tryna find a fix :/.
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