App to Disable searching for cell signal

On my Droid, I can definitely use WiFi while in Airplane mode, and I'm pretty sure I can use GPS.

For WiFi, I had to go into the Settings/Wireless Networks page and check the box to turn WiFi on. Then I opened the browser, and was able to see a web page I hadn't seen before. Then I placed a test call to my Droid that went straight to voice mail.

For GPS, I had GPS on before I switched to Airplane mode, and as far as I can tell, it stayed on. I'm indoors so I can't absolutely confirm, but when I opened up Maps, the GPS signal icon showed up in the Notification Bar.

I tried using GPS in airplane mode. Turns out some programs do not work others do. I cannot get Tricorder or GPS Status to work once airplane mode is turned on. Cardio fit was working but I got some strange results. I said I went 60 miles and came back somehow. I will test My Tracks RMaps since these are the only other programs I would want to use.
How much time did you give the GPS to locate itself? Without the cell signal to help it find the satellite, maybe it would take longer than you're used to?
I also need an app for this, I use a Google Voice callback service for phone access as I have wireless almost everywhere I go (and I'm a cheap bast*** :).

The problem with using Airplane Mode and then turning on the wifi is that calls will not go through using airplane mode, the wifi itself will work but the callback service uses the actual phone system for the call itself so this procedure does not work for me.

I'm surprised more people have not posted here as I know I am not the only one using the wifi with no phone provider for phone calls and the phone signal search is far and above the highest battery usage on my phone (Tmobile MyTouch).

I have created some simple apps so a pointer to code snippets would also be helpful, thanks!