APP Twilight Helps You Get To Sleep


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Oct 6, 2011
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If you are having trouble getting to sleep your Android tablet or smartphone may be to blame. Recent research suggests that exposure to blue light before sleep may distort your natural circadian rhythm and cause inability to sleep. If you are like me you really need a moment to wind down before being able to go to sleep so using your tablet or smartphone is something you do regularly. These devices inhibit the ability for your brain to produce melatonin. The twilight app may help by filtering out the blue light in your devices leds. Not only may this help you get to sleep earlier it also reduces strain on your eyes. Head to the Play Link below to give this app a try. Who knows maybe you'll be able to get to sleep a little sooner.

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Wow, installed and running...

Changed black with white text to this.


Should be interesting to see if I crash sooner tonight.

Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.
So either I'm REALLY tired or this works TOO well, but in the last half hour I've nodded off like three times while surfing the forum! Lol.

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sugar pill?
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I just installed this app. I immediately noticed a relief of strain on my eyes. Worried about battery drain though since it runs in the background all day. We shall see though. But as long as it doesn't annihilate my battery I'm keeping it.
I'm a terrible sleeper ... if this works, think I'll donate something to the developer :)
It works, I can attest to it. Knocked me out cold sitting in my zero gravity chair. OMG, one minute I install it, next minute I'm nodding off while surfing through the forum. A little over an hour later and I was completely asleep and napped for three hours! Lol .

Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.

If you are having trouble getting to sleep your Android tablet or smartphone may be to blame. Recent research suggests that exposure to blue light before sleep may distort your natural circadian rhythm and cause inability to sleep. If you are like me you really need a moment to wind down before being able to go to sleep so using your tablet or smartphone is something you do regularly. These devices inhibit the ability for your brain to produce melatonin. The twilight app may help by filtering out the blue light in your devices leds. Not only may this help you get to sleep earlier it also reduces strain on your eyes. Head to the Play Link below to give this app a try. Who knows maybe you'll be able to get to sleep a little sooner.

via Play Store
There is also the App called Blue Light Filter. And for desktops, F.lux. They both work great
There is also the App called Blue Light Filter. And for desktops, F.lux. They both work great
Great info! Thanks for the contribution.

Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.